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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 594-598.

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Study on Process Optimization of Zirconia Thin Films Based on Atomic Layer Deposition


  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Study on process of ZrO2 thin films was carried out by atomic layer deposition(ALD)and the best process condition of ZrO2 thin films ALD was achieved.The effects of pulse and purge time of precursor on the properties of the deposited ZrO2 thin films under low temperature were analysed.The ZrO2 thin films with good uniformity, low surface roughness and high visible light transmittance were prepared by using Tetrakis (dimethylamido) zirconium (TDMAZ) and H2O as precursors.

Key words: Study on process of ZrO2 thin films was carried out by atomic layer deposition(ALD)and the best process condition of ZrO2 thin films ALD was achieved.The effects of pulse and purge time of precursor on the properties of the deposited ZrO2 thin films under low temperature were analysed.The ZrO2 thin films with good uniformity, low surface roughness and high visible light transmittance were prepared by using Tetrakis (dimethylamido) zirconium (TDMAZ) and H2O as precursors.

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