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    15 April 2017, Volume 46 Issue 4
    Growth and Raman Characteristics of Large Size KGW Crystal by TSSG Method
    ZHU Zhao-jie;SUN Yi-jian;LI Jian-fu;YOU Zhen-yu;WANG Yan;TU Chao-yan
    2017, 46(4):  573-577. 
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    β-KGd(WO4)2 crystal attracts a lot of attention owing to its excellent properties for acting as both laser host and Raman gain medium.High optical-quality KGW crystals were grown by the TSSG (top-seeded solution-growth) method, with the size larger than 60 mm and the weight more than 800 g, and the optical homogeneity was measured to be 1.34×10-5.During the processes of crystal growth, several defects such as inclusions, holes and cracks were observed, and the formation reasons of them were discussed.Based on the grown KGW crystals, 1151.3 nm Raman laser was obtained with the power of 80 mW and Raman shift of 898.2 cm-1.
    Effect of Deposition Time on the Zn(O,S) Thin Film Properties and Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Film Solar Cells
    LIU Xiao-ru;LI Jian-jun;LIU Wei;LIU Fang-fang;AO Jian-ping;SUN Yun;ZHOU Zhi-qiang;ZHANG Yi
    2017, 46(4):  578-583. 
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    Cd-free Zn(O,S) thin film attracts increasing attention as a buffer layer because of adjustable and wide band gap, environmental friendly and other advantages.The thin film were prepared by chemical bath deposition.The influence of the deposition time on the component, structure, optical and morphological properties of Zn(O,S) thin films were studied.The deposition time varies between 20 min and 35 min.The XRD patterns of Zn(O,S) thin film show that Zn(O,S) layer is amorphous.The optical measurements show that the films have high optical transmission (>80;).The scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) shows that uniform and continuous thin layers with small rounded cristallite for the films deposited for 30 min.Applied it to CZTSe thin film solar cells, the better 5.37;-efficient device is obtained by using deposition time 30 min.
    Magnetic Crosstalk Effect in the Optical Current Sensor Based on Magneto-optic Crystal
    LIU Zai-wang;YANG Li-jun;WEI Chang-jiang;QIN Ming-Liang;WANG Lai-long
    2017, 46(4):  584-588. 
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    A method was presented to eliminate the effect of magnetic crosstalk on the current measurement by adjusting the position and angle of the optical current sensor.The quantitative relationship between the magnetic crosstalk and the distance between the two conductors and the distance and the angle between the sensor head and the main conductor is analyzed theoretically, and the optimal position of the sensor was determined.The experimental results show that the influence of the magnetic crosstalk of adjacent conductors can be minimized by adjusting the sensor's position, and the measurement precision of the optical current sensor is improved.
    Effect of Heat Shield Structure on the Power of Kyropoulos Sapphire Single Crystal Furnace
    YANG Yi-han;LI Jin;WANG Chang-chun;GAO Mang-mang;KANG Shao-fu
    2017, 46(4):  589-593. 
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    Sapphire crystal has widely used in the aerospace and other high performance requirements for the excellent comprehensive performance.Kyropoulos method is a main method for producing large diameter sapphire single crystal;the heat shield shows an important influence onthe power of sapphire single crystal furnace.The effect of sapphire single crystal furnace power containing of the zirconia material heat shield in internal and external materials with different proportions is studied in this paper.The design of the most reasonable structure of the thermal field is verified as comparison with the tests results.The results show that: compared to the traditional molybdenum insulation structure of 15-layers, adding zirconia insulation layers will reduce the single crystal furnace energy consumption.However, the built-in oxidation hopper structure presents an obvious effect on the energy consumption of single crystal furnace.With the increase of the number of zirconia layers, the energy consumption of the single crystal furnace is greatly reduced, 15-layer zirconia insulation structure furnace power reduced by 38; compared with the traditional 15-layer molybdenum insulation structure.
    Study on Process Optimization of Zirconia Thin Films Based on Atomic Layer Deposition
    2017, 46(4):  594-598. 
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    Study on process of ZrO2 thin films was carried out by atomic layer deposition(ALD)and the best process condition of ZrO2 thin films ALD was achieved.The effects of pulse and purge time of precursor on the properties of the deposited ZrO2 thin films under low temperature were analysed.The ZrO2 thin films with good uniformity, low surface roughness and high visible light transmittance were prepared by using Tetrakis (dimethylamido) zirconium (TDMAZ) and H2O as precursors.
    Influence of Rotating Magnetic Field on the Convection and Concentration Field in Space Floating Zone
    ZOU Yong;ZHU Gui-ping;MA Jian-jun;HUANG Hu-lin
    2017, 46(4):  599-608. 
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    A numerical study of thermo-capillary convection in melting zone under rotating magnetic field was carried out with full floating zone model.The influence of magnetic field intensity was analyzed on flow field and impurity concentration field.The results show that in the absence of the magnetic field, the concentration field and flow field in the melt show a characteristic of three-vortex symmetric oscillations.The temperature field which is mainly determined by diffusion is distributed symmetrically.Under the action of rotating magnetic field, the number of Ma remains unchanged.When the magnetic field intensity B0≤1 mT, the impurity concentration distribution and flow structure in the melt are similar to the case without a magnetic field.Yet the stirring effect of the rotating magnetic field makes the appearance of the melt periodic oscillation in advance.When the Lorenz force is relatively strong, the three-dimensional vibration convection caused by surface tension is well restrained.At B0=5 mT, the circumferential fluctuation is completely suppressed, and both the flow field and concentration field in the melt zone show two dimensional axial symmetrical distributions.The axial inhibition effect and circumferential stirring action on melt flow caused by rotating magnetic field both contribute to the stability of melt flow, the homogeneity of concentration distribution and temperature distribution, which is conducive to the growth of high quality crystals.
    Synthesis of (Gd0.95-xLuxEu0.05)2O3 Nano-Powders, and Fabrication and Fluorescent Properties of Transparent Ceramics
    2017, 46(4):  609-615. 
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    A series of (Gd0.95-xLuxEu0.05)2O3 (x=0-0.95) nano-powders for Eu3+-doped Lu2O3-Gd2O3 solid solution transparent ceramics were prepared by coprecipitation method, using lanthanide nitrates and NH4HCO3 as starting materials.The properties of the synthesized powders were tested by XRD, SEM, TEM, BET and TMA.The nano-powders were cubic (Gd0.95-xLuxEu0.05)2O3 phase after calcination at 800 ℃, and they have fine particle sizes, near-spherical morphology and narrow size distribution.Transparent (Gd0.45Lu0.5Eu0.05)2O3 and (Lu0.95Eu0.05)2O3 ceramics were fabricated by vacuum-sintering at 1700 ℃ for 24 h using the synthesized nano-powders with the in-line transmittances of 53.5; and 62.3; in the visible light region, respectively.Upon 254 nm excitation, the bright red emission line of Eu3+ ions at 612 nm was observed for the transparent ceramics, and the luminescent intensity of (Gd0.45Lu0.5Eu0.05)2O3 ceramic is 1.7 times stronger than that of (Lu0.95Eu0.05)2O3 ceramic due to the energy transfer from Gd3+ to Eu3+.
    Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 with Different Crystal Structures
    2017, 46(4):  616-620. 
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    The nanocrystalline TiO2 with different crystal structures were prepared by sol-gel method at different temperatures.The crystal structure, morphology, element composition and chemical state of the samples were analyzed by XRD, SEM, EDS and XPS, respectively.The results show that TiO2 form anatase crystal structure at the temperature of 400 ℃ and 500 ℃, form anatase / rutile mixed crystal structure at the temperature of 600 ℃, and form rutile crystal structure at the temperature of 700 ℃.The single particle presents approximate spherical morphology.The rhodamine B was employed as the target pollutant to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of the samples.The results reveal that TiO2 which is annealed at 400 ℃ shows the highest photocatalytic activity and reaction rate constant.The degradation rate and the reaction rate constant are 94.6; and 0.969 h-1 after illumination for 3 h.
    Transport Properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/Si Thin Films Grown by Polymer-assisted Chemical Solution Deposition
    LIU Qi-ya;ZHANG Min;SONG Ting-ting
    2017, 46(4):  621-626. 
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    Perovskite man-ganese oxides La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 (LSMO) thin films were epitaxial growth on Si(100) substrates by the polymer-assisted chemical solution deposition (PACSD) method.Microstructure, surface morphology and electronic transport behavior were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) spectra, scanning electron microscope (SEM), ρ-T curves and magnetoresistance (MR) of LSMO thin films.The surface of the LSMO thin films was smooth without crack.The LSMO thin films have a polycrystalline structure, and the grain size is about 50-70 nm.Metal-insulator transitions were observed in the samples.The transition temperature were 238 K and 246 K for 0 T and 1 T, respectively.The result of transport property suggested that the electron-electron scattering becomes dominant below the transition temperature, while the film has small polarons behavior of the adiabatic approximation above the transition temperature.
    Influence of pH Value on Wettability and Electrical Properties of SiC Single-crystal Surface
    CHEN Guo-mei;NI Zi-feng;BAI Ya-wen;TENG Kang;ZHAO Yong-wu
    2017, 46(4):  627-633. 
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    The three-phase contact angle on SiC wafer/water interface was measured under different pH values using the goniometric technique.Furthermore, the influence of different pH value on surface tension, spreading coefficient, surface potential and surface charge density at the SiC wafer/water interface were investigated by theoretical calculation.The results demonstrate that the three-phase contact angle on SiC wafer/water interface increase first and then decrease with the increase in pH value.The maximum contact angle is found around pH 5-6.The wettability of SiC wafer/water interface is better in strong acid or base environment than in mild conditions, especially in strong base conditions.According to the theoretical calculation, the surface potential and surface charge density of the SiC wafer appeare positive and decrease with the increasing pH value when the pH value is below 5, while they show negative and the absolute value increase with the increasing pH value when the pH value is ablove 6.
    Research Progress of Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells
    LIANG Ya-qian;WU Xiao-li;ZHENG Guo-yuan;CHEN Jian;LONG Fei
    2017, 46(4):  634-640. 
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    Flexible perovskite solar cells occupy an important position due to the advantages of light weight, low price and so on.At the same time, it is expected to achieve the large-scale production and application of portable and wearable devices.At present, the highest photoelectric conversion efficiency of this kind of solar cell is more than 16;.The research progress of perovskite cells based on different flexible substrate were reviewed.Particularly, the effects of functional layers prepared at varied conditions and different flexibility of substrate on the cell performance were discussed.Besides, key issues of industrialization of flexible solar cells were elucidated in depth.Finally, the development trends of flexible perovskite cells were prospected.
    Effect of Different Carbon Source and Reaction Temperature on In-situ Synthesis of SiC-TiC Ultrafine Powder
    2017, 46(4):  641-645. 
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    SiC-TiC ultrafine powder was synthesized by a carbothermal reduction method using SiC, TiO2 and different types of carbon source as raw materials.The effects of different carbon sources and calcination temperatures on the phase composition and microstructure of SiC-TiC ultrafine powder were discussed.The synthesized powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), laser particle size analyzer and scanning electron microscope (SEM).The experimental results show that the suitable conditions for the preparation of SiC-TiC ultrafine powder with sucrose as carbon source is at 1450 ℃ for 2 h.The optimum condition for the preparation of SiC-TiC ultrafine powder with carbon black or glucose as carbon source is at 1500 ℃ for 2 h.SiC-TiC superfine powder possess the smallest particle size when carbon black is used as a carbon source in three kinds of carbon sources.The particles of SiC-TiC superfine powder are dispersive with particle size of 0.5-1.0 μm.In-situ synthesized TiC particles in SiC powders exist in irregularly diversified structure particles with particle sizes of 0.1-0.2 μm.
    Thermal Conductivity of Graphene/ZrO2 Composite Ceramic Materials
    WANG Ming-hui;FANG Hai-liang;LIU Xia;GU Shi-jia
    2017, 46(4):  646-650. 
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    Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic materials were prepared using 3Y-ZrO2 powders and graphite (Graphene) as raw materials by spark plasma sintering (SPS).The effects of sintering temperature and the content of graphene on the microstructure, phase and thermal conductivity of Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramics were characterized by SEM, HRTEM, XRD and laser thermal conductivity instrument.The results show that the introduction of graphene can not only restrain the growth of ZrO2 grains, but also has a significant effect on the thermal conductivity.Compared with single-phase ZrO2 ceramics, the thermal diffusivity of Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic material decreased with the introduction of graphene, which could be attributed to three aspects: Firstly, the content of graphene is relatively low (0.5-1.5wt;).Secondly, strong phonon scattering between grain boundary caused the reduction of thermal conductivity, finally the Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic materials are not fully dense.
    Effect of O2/(O2+Ar) Ratios on the Type of Defects in ZnO-0.25mol; V2O5 Thin Films
    ZHANG Jun-feng;WU Jun;LONG Xiao-yang;ZHU Bai-lin;LI Tao-tao;YAO Ya-gang
    2017, 46(4):  651-656. 
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    ZnO-0.25mol; Vanadium (ZnO∶V) thin films were deposited on glass substrate by RF magnetron sputtering.The type of defects in ZnO∶V thin films under different O2/(O2+Ar) ratios (0;-87.5;) was investigated.The deposited ZnO∶V thin films have wurtzite structure and show c-axis preferred orientation.V4+ and V5+ ions coexist in the films.The defect in ZnO∶V thin films is the complex of VO and Zni.And the ratio of VO to Zni changed with the O2/(O2+Ar) ratio.
    Influence of Ar on Nano Diamond Thin Films Prepared by MPCVD
    REN Yu-lin;ZHANG Tian-tian;HUANG Hong-wei;FU Qiu-ming;MA Zhi-bin
    2017, 46(4):  657-661. 
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    Nano Diamond(NCD) has a wide range of applications in precise instruments and optical vacuum windows filed.Microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition(MPCVD) was used to synthesize NCD thin films using CH3CH2OH, Ar and H2 as gas resource.The effect of argon concentration on the films optical properties were studied, The structure,component and property of NCD thin films deposited under different Ar concentrations were investigated by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction(XRD)and infrared spectroscopy(FTIR).The result shows that, with the increasing of Ar concentration, surface roughness and the diamond phase purity decreases, the optical transmittance increases first and then decreases.
    Numerical Simulation Study on Parasitic Deposition in Large-size HVPE Reactor
    HUANG Ye;ZUO Ran;TANG Bin-long;ZHANG Hong;LIU Peng;ZHANG Guo-yi
    2017, 46(4):  662-667. 
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    In the growth of thick GaN films by hydride vapor phase epitaxy (HVPE), severe parasitic depositions occur on the reactor walls, which will decrease the growth rate and the quality of films.Numerical modelings were conducted for the parasitic depositions of GaN growth in a large-size vertical HVPE reactor.Through comparison of modeling results with experimental data, the distribution of the parasitic deposition on reactor walls and the GaN growth rate were investigated, especially, the relationship between the flow rate of N2 carrier gas and the parasitic deposition were determined.The results show that at the base condition, the top wall parasitic deposition rate decreases gradually from center to edge, in agreement with the experimental result.For the side wall deposition there are eight high parasitic deposition zones, corresponding to GaCl nozzle tubes, indicating that the deposition mainly depends on the GaCl mass transport.The predicted growth rate at graphite susceptor is lower than the experimental one, but the trend is consistent.Keeping other conditions unchanged, increasing the flow rate of the NH3 carrier gas N2, the parasitic deposition rates and distribution areas of both top and side walls increase, while the growth rate on graphite susceptor decreases and uniformity has been increases;increasing the flow rate of the GaCl carrier gas N2, the parasitic deposition rate and the distribution area are reduced both on top and side walls, while the growth rate on graphite susceptor increases and uniformity has been decreases.The results provide theoretical reference for the optimization of GaN growth in large-size HVPE reactor.
    Surface Modification of Titanium Dioxide and Photocatalytic Activity of Its Coating Film
    JIANG Xin;LIN Shi-wei;ZHANG Ping;HU Yue-ying;TANG Hui;CHEN Wen-xue
    2017, 46(4):  668-674. 
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    Titanium dioxide was modified by coupling agents and characterized with grain size, zeta potential, etc, in order to obtain the optimum systhesis conditions.The results show that titanate coupling agent could successfully modify titanate powder, which increases the dispersion effect of the powder in polyvinyl alcohol.The coupled powders were dispersed in polyvinyl alcohol, and then coated on the BOPP film substrates, thus achieving the titanium dioxide coating films with photocatalytic properties.The above coating films were analyzed by micro gloss tester, friction coefficient tester, and fog degree instrument.The film shows good mechanical properties, dispersion effect with 1; of the modified powder.In the bactericidal effect was examined the film with 2; TiO2 can achive the best antibacterial effect of 99.2; and in the photodegradation experiment, the degradation rate increased nearly 70 times.
    Self-assembled Structure of Cationic Gemini Surfactant Solution
    YANG Yu;ZHOU Guang-gang;MENG Si-wei;QIU Bei-bei;XU Zhi-yan;WANG Yu-xiang;SUN Xiao-liang;LI Zhen-yu;LU Gui-wu
    2017, 46(4):  675-681. 
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    As a new kind of surfactant, amphipathic molecule Gemini is composed by two tradition surfactant connected by a spacer group.The self-assembly behavior of Gemini surfactant molecules in aqueous solutions, and the influences of ethanol on both the self-assembly structure and the critical micelle concentration (CMC) were investigated using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) with a simple ball-spring model.Results show that as the concentration increases, the surfactant molecules self-assemble to form spherical, wormlike and layered micelles phase molecular packing.The addition of ethanol may enhance the solubility of hydrophobic groups of surfactant molecules in water and thus may inhibit the formation of micelles and increase the CMC of surfactant solutions.
    Pretreatment Process Optimization of Carbide Matrix Used for CVD Diamond Coatings
    XU Chen-yang;XIE Ya-juan;DENG Fu-ming;CHEN Li;LEI Qing
    2017, 46(4):  682-687. 
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    Diamond coatings were synthesized on the cemented carbide substrates of WC-6wt;Co pretreated by two-step and three-step pretreatments in CH3COCH3/H2 ambient adopt hot filament chemical vapor deposition.The WC-6wt;Co substrates pretreated were tested by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) to analyze the surface morphologies and cobalt content of WC-6wt;Co substrates.The optimum of three-step pretreatment was obtained thorough the comparison of pretreatment results between two-step and three-step pretreatment.surface morphology, crystalline property, adhesion between films and WC-6wt;Co substrates of diamond coatings were analyzed by SEM,X-ray diffraction (XRD) and hardness tester.
    Effect of Mechanical Force Grinding on the Properties of Recycled Powder
    YU Xiao-xiao;LI Ru-yan;DONG Xiang;LI Gen;ZHANG Song
    2017, 46(4):  688-692. 
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    For the purpose of improving the utilization rate of the recycled powder, the recycled powder was treated by mechanical force grinding.The effects on the properties of recycled powders from pulverization and vibration milling were studied.The particle size distribution, phase configuration and micro-morphology of the recycled powders were tested by laser particle size analyzer, XRD and SEM.And the compressive strength of the mortars was tested by the pressure testing machine.The activity of the recycled powder were also calculated according to national standards.The results show that the recycled powder crushed by superfine air pulverizer is of well filling effect and high activity, narrow size distribution and regular particle shape.The processing of the superfine air pulverizer on the recycled powder improves both the utilization rate and the utilization range of the recycled powder.
    Study on Improving the Absorption Efficiency of Uncooled Sensor by Using Bottom Grating
    WU Yuan-qing;ZHANG Jin-jing;LIU Chun-mei;LU Xiao-dong;ZHOU Tao
    2017, 46(4):  693-697. 
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    Infrared detectors using electric property of sensitive material, convert temperature change into electrical signal, which can be tested by the readout circuit.And the absorption rate is low.By using bottom grating structure of high reflectance, the transmission light can be absorbed twice and absorption of infrared detectors can be improved.The effect of the structural parameters on the absorption characteristics was analyzed based on the electromagnetic field theory.Numerical simulation results show that the average absorption efficiency of a detector can be doubled by optimizing the structure parameters in whole wavelength range.
    Structure and Properties of Molten Blast Furnace Slag Glass-Ceramics
    MEI Shu-xia;PEI Ke-peng;HE Feng;LIU Xiao-qing;FANG De;YANG Hu;XIE Jun-lin
    2017, 46(4):  698-704. 
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    Molten slag has a large amount of heat and slag.The preparation of glass-ceramics by melting method using molten slag can utilize the furnace slag efficiently.The parent glass with stable performance was prepared by mixed-melting at high temperature.The heat treatment process of the parent glass was determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).The microstructure and properties of the glass-ceramics were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM).The results indicate that the increase of F content in the parent glass promot the nucleation and crystal growth and decrease the nucleation and crystallization temperature of the glass ceramics.The main crystal phase of glass-ceramics is fluorite at the low heat treatment temperature, nepheline and fluorite are precipitated simultaneously at high heat treatment temperature.The content and type of crystalline phase significantly influence the flexural strength and hardness of the glass-ceramics, the microhardness is up to 585.68 MPa, the flexural strength is up to 126.21 MPa.
    Preparation Method and Application of Gypsum Whisker
    LIN Yan;PENG Tong-jiang;SUN Hong-juan;WANG Bao-chuan
    2017, 46(4):  705-711. 
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    Gypsum whisker is a environmental-friendly material with high mechanical property and high cost performance, which can be used in the fields of composite materials, paper making, catalysis and biodegradable materials.Preparation of gypsum whisker was mostly staying in the discussion of process parameters and discussion on the relationship between the characteristics and application fields of gypsum whisker remain insufficient.In this paper, structure of gypsum was analyzed, and classification and review of existing preparation methods of gypsum were made from the forming process of the product.Then statistics of characteristics of different method and application area were made and the correlation between preparation and application was analyzed.The future research direction of gypsum whisker is proposed at last.
    Synthesis of Hierarchical Ferrierite by Two Structure Directing Agents
    HU Hai-qiang;ZHANG Ka;WANG Kai-wei;LIU Qiang;KE Ming
    2017, 46(4):  712-716. 
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    Hierarchical ferrierite (FER) assemblies with a ball-shaped morphology were synthesized successfully employing pyrrolidine and tetramethlammonium hydroxide (TMAOH) as cooperative structure directing agents.The effect of the amounts of TMAOH on the crystallization, crystallization curve, morphology and textural properties of the products were investigated.The products were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and N2 adsorption/desorption.The results show that the more the TMAOH, the longer the crystallization process is, but the reletive crystallization are always similar.When TMAOH was adding to the gel, the products not only have a significant change of morphology (from plant-like to ball-shaped) but also a more mesopore volume, higher hierarchical factor.
    Effect of Temperature on the Properties and Structure of Vitrified/Fe-based Bond
    LI Guang-feng;HOU Yong-gai;GAO Yuan;LI Wen-feng;HUANG Qing-fei;DING Zhi-jing
    2017, 46(4):  717-721. 
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    Low temperature vitrified/Fe-based bond was prepared by powder metallurgy method.The effect of sintering temperature on the properties and structure of low temperature vitrified/Fe-based bond were investigated by means of three-point bending test, SEM and XRD.The results show that when the sintering temperature was 740 ℃, the mechanical property of vitrified/Fe-based bond reach its maximum value 206 MPa and 6.4 kJ/m2, respectively.The temperature rise promotes the interaction of the elements of the interface between the low temperature ceramic and the iron base bond, and the iron base metal bond and the low temperature vitrified achieves the best mechanical fitting.
    First-principle Study on the Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of Nd, N Doped and Nd/N Co-doped Anatase TiO2
    ZHANG Ji;ZHANG De-ming;YIN Shao-tang
    2017, 46(4):  722-727. 
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    The lattice parameters, energy band structures, density of states and optical absorption spectra of N-doped, Nd-doped and Nd/N co-doped anatase TiO2 were calculated by the first-principles based on the density functional theory.The calculated results indicate that these three kinds of doping all induce lattice distortion for TiO2 with the biggest distortion of TiO6 octahedron after being doped by Nd,N doping introduces an impurity energy level above the maximum valence band and decreases the band gap of TiO2.Nd doping introduces empty band in the forbidden band of TiO2, which is mainly composed of Nd4f orbital.The experimental results for the red-shift of the absorption edge of TiO2 by the Nd doping can be explained perfectly from the decrease of the band gap.
    Effect of WO3 Doping on the Properties of BST Microwave Dielectric Ceramics
    HUANG Chun-e;WANG Chao;LU Xiao-rong;LU Min-yao
    2017, 46(4):  728-732. 
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    The effects of WO3 additive on the phase composition, microstructure, sintered properties and dielectric properties of Ba4Sm9.33Ti18O54 (BST) microwave dielectric ceramics which prepared by conventional solid-state route were investigated.The results show that moderate addition of WO3 can produce the lattice defects and promote ion diffusion by the inequivalent ion replacing Ti-site, Thus effectively lower the sintering temperature which dropped to 1280 ℃, but also reduce the generation of oxygen ion vacancy, decrease the dielectric loss.At the same time, the new phase BaWO4 was generated, which also help to improve the dielectric properties.The 0.25wt; WO3-doped BST ceramics sintered at 1280 ℃ for 3 h have the optimal integrated microwave dielectric properties: εr=80.4, Q·f=11740.85 GHz, Υf=-23.3×10-6 /℃.
    Synthesis and Electrochemical Performance of Carbon Aerogel/Fe2O3 Composite by Hydrothermal/Solvothermal Method as an Anode Material for Li-ion Batteries
    LUO Da-wei;LIN Feng;LUAN Chong-lin;CHEN Jin-hong;CHEN Jia-ming;LI Xue
    2017, 46(4):  733-738. 
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    Nanostructure CA/Fe2O3 composite with different morphologies were synthesized by modification of Fe2O3 on CA via a simple hydrothermal/solvothermal method.The structure, morphology and Fe2O3 loading content in CA/Fe2O3 were characterized by XRD, SEM and TGA, and the electrochemical properties of these materials were also investigated by constant current charge/discharge tests.The results shows that Fe2O3 is uniformly dispersed on CA with a rugby-like and ball-like morphology by hydrothermal/solvothermal method, respectively.Electrochemical results indicate CA/Fe2O3 obtained by solvothermal method exhibit better cycling performance and rate capability as an anode material for LIBs, and the cyclability of CA/Fe2O3 is up to 634.9 mAh·g-1 at a current density of 100 mA·g-1 after 50 cycles with a large retention of 97.9; comparing with the first capacity.
    Effect of Si/Ti Molar Ratios on Mesoporous Structure Formed by TS-1 Framework Desilication
    HAN Jing-yu;WANG Hong-tao;ZHANG Li;LI Ping;FENG Rui-jiang;JIN Ying-jie
    2017, 46(4):  739-745. 
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    Mesopore modification via framework atom extraction for synthesized TS-1 molecular sieves with various Si/Ti ratios were performed under the identical conditions of sequential alkaline and acid treatments.Effects of initial framework composition variables on the crystal structure, textural mesoporosity and framework desilication selectivity were investigated upon characterization of XRD, FT-IR, UV-vis, N2 adsorption, SEM and EDX.The results reveal that the modified materials are provided with bimodal mesoporous structures feature of concentrated pore size distribution together with preferably structural ordering of TS-1 precursors.As initial Si/Ti molar ratio increases, the BET specific surface area and total specific pore volume are increase by framework desilication for the modified molecular sieves.However, the Si/Ti molar ratio, crystallinity preservation and yield corresponding to modified materials are shown to reduce gradually with the enhanced initial Si/Ti ratio.Moreover, both of the selectivity and efficiency for framework T-atoms removals are correlated with the compositional change of TS-1 precursors.It is demonstrated that the desilication selectivity greatly preponderated over the Ti-removal selectivity for the combined alkaline-acid treatment of TS-1 molecular sieves.With respect to the typical modified sample, the T-atoms removal efficiencies(fT, S-meso and fT, V-meso, T=Si+Ti), are substantiated to arrive at 2.6 m2·g-1·;-1 and 9.4×10-3 m3·g-1·;-1, respectively.
    Relation of Microwave Absorption Property and Ingredients of Cobalt Ferrite Sub-micro Spheres
    JI Ren-long;ZHANG Tao;FANG Hong-jie;ZHU Peng-cheng;SUN Jie
    2017, 46(4):  746-752. 
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    CoxFe3-xO4 (0≤x≤1) spheres, a mixture of Fe3O4 and CoFe2O4, were synthesized via solvothermal reaction by changing the Co to Fe ratio in ethylene glycol solution.For the solution containing ingredients (atom ratio of Co∶Fe=1∶1,1∶2,1∶4 and 0), the obtained spheres are CoFe2O4, Co0.9Fe2.1O4, Co0.73Fe2.27O4 and Fe3O4 at 200 ℃, respectively.The calculated reflectivity indicates that for the composite containing magnetite(75wt;) and parraffin wax, the lowest reflection loss is-38 dB at 4 GHz with 5.5 mm thickness.The composite containing Co0.9Fe2.1O4 spheres displays better microwave absorption capability.The minimum reflection loss reaches-41.1 dB at 12.08 GHz and the matching thickness is 2 mm.Dielectric loss contributes even more than magnetic loss in the frequency range of 3-14 GHz.The work proves that variation of cobalt element in spheres can change the proportion of CoFe2O4 to Fe3O4, the resonance frequency together with the crystallinity of the spheres, and ultimately the dielectric character and the microwave absorption property.