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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 634-640.

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Research Progress of Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells

LIANG Ya-qian;WU Xiao-li;ZHENG Guo-yuan;CHEN Jian;LONG Fei   

  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Flexible perovskite solar cells occupy an important position due to the advantages of light weight, low price and so on.At the same time, it is expected to achieve the large-scale production and application of portable and wearable devices.At present, the highest photoelectric conversion efficiency of this kind of solar cell is more than 16;.The research progress of perovskite cells based on different flexible substrate were reviewed.Particularly, the effects of functional layers prepared at varied conditions and different flexibility of substrate on the cell performance were discussed.Besides, key issues of industrialization of flexible solar cells were elucidated in depth.Finally, the development trends of flexible perovskite cells were prospected.

Key words: Flexible perovskite solar cells occupy an important position due to the advantages of light weight, low price and so on.At the same time, it is expected to achieve the large-scale production and application of portable and wearable devices.At present, the highest photoelectric conversion efficiency of this kind of solar cell is more than 16;.The research progress of perovskite cells based on different flexible substrate were reviewed.Particularly, the effects of functional layers prepared at varied conditions and different flexibility of substrate on the cell performance were discussed.Besides, key issues of industrialization of flexible solar cells were elucidated in depth.Finally, the development trends of flexible perovskite cells were prospected.

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