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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 778-781.

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Effect of Nitrogen on the Incorporation of Sulfur during the Diamond Growth under High Pressure and High Temperature

LI Yong;LI Shang-sheng;SHE Yan-chao;GUAN Xue-mao   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: In order to study the effect of nitrogen on the incorporation of sulfur into diamond during the diamond growth under high pressure and high temperature conditions, diamond crystals were synthesized in different synthesis systems at pressure of 6.5 GPa using temperature gradient growth method, respectively.The obtained crystals were characterized by FTIR and the results indicate that nitrogen is inexistence in IIa type diamond and the nitrogen concentration of diamond (b) is approximately 280 ppm.Furthermore, the samples were measured by XPS and the measurement results show that sulfur is found in Ib type diamond (b).However, sulfur is absent in IIa type diamond.It allowed us to speculate that the existence of nitrogen in the diamond would enhance the incorporation of sulfur into diamond.

Key words: In order to study the effect of nitrogen on the incorporation of sulfur into diamond during the diamond growth under high pressure and high temperature conditions, diamond crystals were synthesized in different synthesis systems at pressure of 6.5 GPa using temperature gradient growth method, respectively.The obtained crystals were characterized by FTIR and the results indicate that nitrogen is inexistence in IIa type diamond and the nitrogen concentration of diamond (b) is approximately 280 ppm.Furthermore, the samples were measured by XPS and the measurement results show that sulfur is found in Ib type diamond (b).However, sulfur is absent in IIa type diamond.It allowed us to speculate that the existence of nitrogen in the diamond would enhance the incorporation of sulfur into diamond.

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