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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 814-819.

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Simulation Optimizing Planar Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells with CsGeI3 as Hole Transport Materials

YANG Yong-yong;WANG Li-sheng;XU Wei-kang;ZHANG Yong;WANG Jia-qi;CHEN Feng-xiang   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with CsGeI3 as hole transport materials (HTM) are simulated by AFORS-HET software.In the PSCs, TiO2 is used as electron transport layer, CH3NH3PbI3 is the light absorption layer, and C is the back electrode.The influences of light absorption layer, CH3NH3PbI3/CsGeI3 interface and HTM on the solar cell performances are discussed.The simulation results show that the optimal parameters of the PSCs are: Voc=1.199 V, Jsc=22.2 mA·cm-2, FF=86.22;, and PCE=22.95;.These performances of the CsGeI3 HTM PSCs are close to those of the spiro HTM PSCs.While if the production process and the preparation cost are considered, the PSCs with CsGeI3 as HTM will have better application prospect.

Key words: Planar heterojunction perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with CsGeI3 as hole transport materials (HTM) are simulated by AFORS-HET software.In the PSCs, TiO2 is used as electron transport layer, CH3NH3PbI3 is the light absorption layer, and C is the back electrode.The influences of light absorption layer, CH3NH3PbI3/CsGeI3 interface and HTM on the solar cell performances are discussed.The simulation results show that the optimal parameters of the PSCs are: Voc=1.199 V, Jsc=22.2 mA·cm-2, FF=86.22;, and PCE=22.95;.These performances of the CsGeI3 HTM PSCs are close to those of the spiro HTM PSCs.While if the production process and the preparation cost are considered, the PSCs with CsGeI3 as HTM will have better application prospect.

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