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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 897-902.

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Adsorption of Dye Wastewater by NaA Zeolite from Fly Ash bySolid Transformation Method

SONG Rui-ran;XIAO Min;HU Xiao-jun;LIU Yue   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Fly ash zeolite was synthesized by solid transformation method with coal fly ash.The effects of adsorption time, pH value and concentration of methylene blue (MB) solution, and adsorption temperature on the zeolite adsorption performance of MB were discussed by static adsorption experiment.The synthetical zeolite was characterized by means of SME and XRD.The results show that the synthetic product is NaA zeoite with hetero crystal by analysis of XRD.Analysis of SEM show that the product has spindle structure and cubic structure of NaA zeolite respectively.The removal rate of NaA zeolite can reach more than 90; for the initial concentration of 50-100 mg·L-1 of MB and it was 45; higher than fly ash at the adsorption temperature 25 ℃, pH>5, fly ash zeolite dosage 8 g·L-1, adsorption time 30 min.It is equivalent to commercial zeolite.The process about fly ash zeolite adsorb methylene blue conformed to the Langmuir model which is single molecular layer adsorption.

Key words: Fly ash zeolite was synthesized by solid transformation method with coal fly ash.The effects of adsorption time, pH value and concentration of methylene blue (MB) solution, and adsorption temperature on the zeolite adsorption performance of MB were discussed by static adsorption experiment.The synthetical zeolite was characterized by means of SME and XRD.The results show that the synthetic product is NaA zeoite with hetero crystal by analysis of XRD.Analysis of SEM show that the product has spindle structure and cubic structure of NaA zeolite respectively.The removal rate of NaA zeolite can reach more than 90; for the initial concentration of 50-100 mg·L-1 of MB and it was 45; higher than fly ash at the adsorption temperature 25 ℃, pH>5, fly ash zeolite dosage 8 g·L-1, adsorption time 30 min.It is equivalent to commercial zeolite.The process about fly ash zeolite adsorb methylene blue conformed to the Langmuir model which is single molecular layer adsorption.

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