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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (7): 1215-1219.

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Measurement of γ Sensitivity and Time Response of the Large Area LaBr3∶Ce Scintillation Detector

HU Meng-chun;LI Zhong-bao;LIU Jian;FU Yue-cheng;ZHANG Fa-qiang;WANG Wen-chuan;ZHANG Jian-hua;TANG Deng-pan;LI Ru-rong;CHEN Li-xiong;HUANG Yan   

  • Online:2017-07-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The γ sensitivity of a large area LaBr3∶Ce scintillation detector was measured in a 60Co standard source field, and was compared with the sensitivities of scintillation detectors which were made up of GD100 photoelectric tube and LYSO∶Ce or ST401 scintillator, the time response waveform of this LaBr3∶Ce scintillator was measured with a nanosecond pulse radiation source.As is shown in the measuring results, the ratio of volume normalized sensitivity of the LaBr3∶Ce scintillator to those of LYSO∶Ce scintillator and ST401 scintillator is bigger than 5 and 200, respectively.The front edge, full width at half maximum (FWHM), back edge and decay time evaluated from the measured time response waveform of the LaBr3∶Ce scintillator are 2.56 ns, 56 ns, 23.56 ns and 25.45 ns, respectively.

Key words: The γ sensitivity of a large area LaBr3∶Ce scintillation detector was measured in a 60Co standard source field, and was compared with the sensitivities of scintillation detectors which were made up of GD100 photoelectric tube and LYSO∶Ce or ST401 scintillator, the time response waveform of this LaBr3∶Ce scintillator was measured with a nanosecond pulse radiation source.As is shown in the measuring results, the ratio of volume normalized sensitivity of the LaBr3∶Ce scintillator to those of LYSO∶Ce scintillator and ST401 scintillator is bigger than 5 and 200, respectively.The front edge, full width at half maximum (FWHM), back edge and decay time evaluated from the measured time response waveform of the LaBr3∶Ce scintillator are 2.56 ns, 56 ns, 23.56 ns and 25.45 ns, respectively.

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