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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1635-1642.

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Preparation of Graphene Oxide/Polyaniline/Titania for Marine Anti-Corrosion

LIU Xun;GUO Fang;ZHONG Ying-ying   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Preparation of aqueous graphene oxide (G) /polyaniline (P) /titanium dioxide (T) composite material in the tartaric solution using graphene oxide as template was presented.Morphologies and crystallizations of as-prepared material were invistigated by TEM, SEM, XRD and IR.Photocatalysis performance and anti-corrosion property of G/P/T material were also investigated by photo-degradation and electrochemical measurements.The results indicate that aniline doped with tartaric acid is dispersed well in solution, and then polymerize into layered graphene oxide (G)/polyaniline (P) with graphene oxide as template, on which nano-TiO2 particles are decorated homogeneously, therefore forming aqueous G/P/T.It is confirmed by the photo-degradation of rhodamine B that G/P/T powder has a good photo-degradation effect, protecting metal material from bio-corrosion.Also, the result shows that G/P/T modified epoxy resin coating could alleviate the corrosion of aluminum alloy, of which self-corrosive current reduces from 10-5 A/cm2 to 10-11 A/cm2.

Key words: Preparation of aqueous graphene oxide (G) /polyaniline (P) /titanium dioxide (T) composite material in the tartaric solution using graphene oxide as template was presented.Morphologies and crystallizations of as-prepared material were invistigated by TEM, SEM, XRD and IR.Photocatalysis performance and anti-corrosion property of G/P/T material were also investigated by photo-degradation and electrochemical measurements.The results indicate that aniline doped with tartaric acid is dispersed well in solution, and then polymerize into layered graphene oxide (G)/polyaniline (P) with graphene oxide as template, on which nano-TiO2 particles are decorated homogeneously, therefore forming aqueous G/P/T.It is confirmed by the photo-degradation of rhodamine B that G/P/T powder has a good photo-degradation effect, protecting metal material from bio-corrosion.Also, the result shows that G/P/T modified epoxy resin coating could alleviate the corrosion of aluminum alloy, of which self-corrosive current reduces from 10-5 A/cm2 to 10-11 A/cm2.

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