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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (8): 1643-1648.

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Effect of Composite Nucleation Agents on Crystallization of Glass-Ceramics Produced by Yellow Phosphorus Furnace Slag

SHANG Zhi-biao;HUANG Xiao-feng;MA Li-ping;LIU Hong-pan;CHEN Dan-li;LIU Xiu-zhuang;ZHAO Dan;FAN Ying-ying   

  • Online:2017-08-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: A series of glass-ceramics were prepared by melting method using yellow phosphorus furnace slag as the main raw material and adding different kinds of composite nucleation agents. The crystal phase composition was calculated by FactSage 6.4;the crystallization ability was analyzed by Kissinger equation;the results of simulation and calculation were proved by means of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.The results show that compared with adding TiO2, the adding of composite nucleation agents TiO2+CaF2 or TiO2+P2O5 can reduce the crystallization activation energy and promote the crystallization behavior.In the case of adding TiO2+Cr2O3, the effect is opposite.The major crystal phase is wollastonite and the minor crystal phases are aluminian diopside and fluorapatite when any one of TiO2, TiO2+CaF2, TiO2+P2O5 and TiO2+Cr2O3 are added as nucleating agent, which are consistent with the FactSage 6.4 calculation results.

Key words: A series of glass-ceramics were prepared by melting method using yellow phosphorus furnace slag as the main raw material and adding different kinds of composite nucleation agents. The crystal phase composition was calculated by FactSage 6.4;the crystallization ability was analyzed by Kissinger equation;the results of simulation and calculation were proved by means of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy.The results show that compared with adding TiO2, the adding of composite nucleation agents TiO2+CaF2 or TiO2+P2O5 can reduce the crystallization activation energy and promote the crystallization behavior.In the case of adding TiO2+Cr2O3, the effect is opposite.The major crystal phase is wollastonite and the minor crystal phases are aluminian diopside and fluorapatite when any one of TiO2, TiO2+CaF2, TiO2+P2O5 and TiO2+Cr2O3 are added as nucleating agent, which are consistent with the FactSage 6.4 calculation results.

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