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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (9): 1703-1708.

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Effect of L-Aspartic Acid on the Crystallization of Magnesium Sulfate

YAN Ping-ke;BAI Yang;SUN De-zhi;WEI Hao-ran;GAO Yu-juan;ZHANG Xu   

  • Online:2017-09-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Based on the principle of biomimetic synthesis , anhydrous MgCl 2 and anhydrous Na 2 CO3 were selected as the reaction materials .The growth of crystals was controlled by L-aspartic acid and five inorganic surfactants respectively . XRD、SEM were used to analyze the phase Composition and morphology of the structure .The results show that when the surfactant is L-aspartic acid , the crystal growth is the best .The results show that when the mass fraction of L-aspartic acid is 0 .15;and the pH is 9.5, crystallization of magnesium sulfate with millimeter is formated .The formation mechanism of L-aspartic acid crystals in the process of bionic synthesis of magnesium carbonate was discussed .

Key words: Based on the principle of biomimetic synthesis , anhydrous MgCl 2 and anhydrous Na 2 CO3 were selected as the reaction materials .The growth of crystals was controlled by L-aspartic acid and five inorganic surfactants respectively . XRD、SEM were used to analyze the phase Composition and morphology of the structure .The results show that when the surfactant is L-aspartic acid , the crystal growth is the best .The results show that when the mass fraction of L-aspartic acid is 0 .15;and the pH is 9.5, crystallization of magnesium sulfate with millimeter is formated .The formation mechanism of L-aspartic acid crystals in the process of bionic synthesis of magnesium carbonate was discussed .

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