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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1988-1991.

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Preparation and Photocatalytic Properties of NiCo2 O4 Nanorods

GENG Tao;WANG Xin-ze;MEI Jie;SHEN Fei   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: NiCo2O4 precursor sample was synthesized using CoCl2· 6H2O, NiCl2· 6H2O, urea and polyethylene glycoland as raw material by hydrothermal method.After the heat treatment, the NiCo2O4 sample was obtained. The NiCo2 O4 sample with different morphologies was prepared by changing reaction temperature .The structures and morphologies of nanorods NiCo 2 O4 were investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The results indicate after the heat treatment at 300℃, the asobtained nanorods NiCo2 O4 have porous surfaces with a diameter of about 100 nm.Comparing the degradation efficiency of Rh B under UV irradiation with nanorods NiCo2O4 photocatalysts possess higher photocatalytic efficiency.The results show that after 120 minutes under UV irradiation, the degradation rate of Rh B is close to 93.1;.

Key words: NiCo2O4 precursor sample was synthesized using CoCl2· 6H2O, NiCl2· 6H2O, urea and polyethylene glycoland as raw material by hydrothermal method.After the heat treatment, the NiCo2O4 sample was obtained. The NiCo2 O4 sample with different morphologies was prepared by changing reaction temperature .The structures and morphologies of nanorods NiCo 2 O4 were investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The results indicate after the heat treatment at 300℃, the asobtained nanorods NiCo2 O4 have porous surfaces with a diameter of about 100 nm.Comparing the degradation efficiency of Rh B under UV irradiation with nanorods NiCo2O4 photocatalysts possess higher photocatalytic efficiency.The results show that after 120 minutes under UV irradiation, the degradation rate of Rh B is close to 93.1;.

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