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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1992-1998.

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Study on Optimization of Synthesis Conditions of Phosphor SrAl2Si2O8:Eu2+for White LED

WANG Fei;TIAN Yi-guang;ZHANG Qiao   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: A series of luminescence phosphors Sr 0.975 Al2 Si2 O8 :Eu2+0.025 were prepared by solid-state reaction, the effect of the fisrt firing temperature ( T1 ), the fisrt firing time ( t), the second firing temperature(T2) and the concentration of flux H3BO3(W) on the spectrum characteristics and structure of the sample was investigated .The results show that the samples are monoclinic SrAl 2 Si2 O8 , emission intensity, grain size and intensity of X-ray diffraction of the phosphor increase with T1 , t, T2 and W, show the trend of increasing first and then decreasing .When the T1 =1000 ℃, t=150 min, T2 =1250℃, W=6wt;, the synthesis of phosphor Sr 0.975 Al2 Si2 O8:Eu2+0.025 luminescence intensity is strongest , the synthesis conditions are optimized .

Key words: A series of luminescence phosphors Sr 0.975 Al2 Si2 O8 :Eu2+0.025 were prepared by solid-state reaction, the effect of the fisrt firing temperature ( T1 ), the fisrt firing time ( t), the second firing temperature(T2) and the concentration of flux H3BO3(W) on the spectrum characteristics and structure of the sample was investigated .The results show that the samples are monoclinic SrAl 2 Si2 O8 , emission intensity, grain size and intensity of X-ray diffraction of the phosphor increase with T1 , t, T2 and W, show the trend of increasing first and then decreasing .When the T1 =1000 ℃, t=150 min, T2 =1250℃, W=6wt;, the synthesis of phosphor Sr 0.975 Al2 Si2 O8:Eu2+0.025 luminescence intensity is strongest , the synthesis conditions are optimized .

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