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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 2077-2082.

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Research Progress on the Solid-liquid Interface in the Crystal Growth of Polycrystalline Silicon

ZHANG Fa-yun;RAO Sen-lin;WANG Fa-hui;GONG Hong-yong;HU Yun;CHEN Xiao-hui;LIU Jun   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The development on the crystal growth of polycrystalline silicon as discussed , and the growth mechanism on the polycrystalline silicon during the directional solidification process was analyzed .Then it focuses on the morpholgy of solid-liquid interface , imputity distribution , mathematical model , numerical simulation and the effect of external field on interface-controlled for polycrystalline silicon during the solidification process , and summarizes the research on the interface in the crystal growth of polycrystalline silicon at the domestic and abroad .Finally, the paper proposes the development prospect of solid-liquid interface controlled in the crystal growth of polycrystalline silicon .

Key words: The development on the crystal growth of polycrystalline silicon as discussed , and the growth mechanism on the polycrystalline silicon during the directional solidification process was analyzed .Then it focuses on the morpholgy of solid-liquid interface , imputity distribution , mathematical model , numerical simulation and the effect of external field on interface-controlled for polycrystalline silicon during the solidification process , and summarizes the research on the interface in the crystal growth of polycrystalline silicon at the domestic and abroad .Finally, the paper proposes the development prospect of solid-liquid interface controlled in the crystal growth of polycrystalline silicon .

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