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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 2083-2089.

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Controllable Synthesis of Co3O4 Octahedra with the Assistance of C2 O2-4

ZHOU Hai;KANG Min;WANG Man-li;WU Dong;LYU Bao-liang   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Co3 O4 octahedra exposing eight ( 111 ) facets were hydrothermally synthesized with the assistance of C 2 O2-4 .The prepared samples were characterized and analyzed by means of XRD , SEM, TEM and HRTEM.The results indicate that the Co3O4 octahedra exhibited cubic phase with high crystallinity.The influence of reaction time, reaction temperature and C2O2 -4 concentration on the morphology of Co 3 O4 were investigated in detail .It is prove that C 2 O2-4 would preferably adsorb on the (111) facets of Co3O4 nuclei, which would then restrict the further growth of (111) facets due to the larger space of C2O2 -4 than hydroxyl groups leading to the exposure of (111) facets.The present Co3O4 octahedra could catalyze the thermal decomposition of ammonium perchlorate ( AP) effectively due to the exposure of high energy facets .

Key words: hydrothermal synthesis, Co3 O4 octahedra, C2 O2 -4, AP decomposition

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