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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (12): 2521-2526.

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Study on Single Layer Forming Technology of Light Curing Resin Based Ceramic

GONG Jun;DING Tong-tong;NING Hui-feng   

  • Online:2017-12-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: In the ceramic light curing three-dimensional molding process , the single-layer forming effect on the accumulation of green body plays a decisive role .In this paper , we mainly study the influence of the wavelength , the scanning speed , the illumination time and the irradiation distance of the light source on the quality and precision of the molded parts in the printing of single layer blank .The results show that the wavelength of the light source is closer to the absorption wavelength range of the initiator , and the curing effect is better .When the exposure amount of the light source reaches the critical exposure , the slurry can be completely cured .With the increasing scanning speed , continuously reduced , the thickness of the curing gradually reduced , when the scanning speed is very large , the body surface density is very low, the organization looks become loose .In addition , the irradiation distance of the ultraviolet light source has no effect on the molding quality of the green body .

Key words: In the ceramic light curing three-dimensional molding process , the single-layer forming effect on the accumulation of green body plays a decisive role .In this paper , we mainly study the influence of the wavelength , the scanning speed , the illumination time and the irradiation distance of the light source on the quality and precision of the molded parts in the printing of single layer blank .The results show that the wavelength of the light source is closer to the absorption wavelength range of the initiator , and the curing effect is better .When the exposure amount of the light source reaches the critical exposure , the slurry can be completely cured .With the increasing scanning speed , continuously reduced , the thickness of the curing gradually reduced , when the scanning speed is very large , the body surface density is very low, the organization looks become loose .In addition , the irradiation distance of the ultraviolet light source has no effect on the molding quality of the green body .

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