JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (8): 1575-1582.

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Research Progress on Magnetization Jump Effect of Perovskite RFeO3 Crystals

BEN Xinwei, GAO Tian, ZHAI Haotian, ZHENG Xu   

  1. Department of Physics, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 201306, China
  • Received:2021-03-02 Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-09-14

Abstract: Perovskite rare earth orthoferrites RFeO3 possesses abundant magnetism, which is due to the complex interaction between rare earth ions in 4f electron shell and iron ions in 3d electron shell. As an important phenomenon in RFeO3 system, magnetization jump means that the magnetic moments of rare earth ions and iron ions in the system rotate 180° under a specific temperature and applied magnetic field, and the macroscopic performance is that the magnetization changes abruptly in the magnetocaloric curve. In this paper, two kinds of magnetization jump phenomena of different compounds RFeO3 are discussed, the first type of magnetization transition usually has compensation points, and the coupling direction of FR and FFe is unchanged, while the second type of magnetization transition is opposite, and the temperature region of the two types of magnetization transition is regulated by the external magnetic field.

Key words: earth orthoferrite, magnetization jump, magnetocrystalline anisotropy, spin reorientation

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