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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (9): 1536-1541.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Electron Irradiation on Defects of 4H-SiC MOS Materials

LIU Shuai1,2, XIONG Huifan1,2, YANG Xia2,3, YANG Deren1,2, PI Xiaodong1,2, SONG Lihui1,2   

  1. 1. State Key Laboratory of Silicon and Advanced Semiconductor Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China;
    2. Institute of Advanced Semiconductors & Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Power Semiconductor Materials and Devices, ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center, Hangzhou 311200, China;
    3. College of Materials & Environmental Engineering, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China
  • Received:2024-03-12 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-09-19

Abstract: 4H-SiC metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS)-based devices appear to worse electrical performance when exposed to electron irradiation, owing to the production of material defects. This study demonstrates an analysis of defect evolution of 4H-SiC MOS capacitors with the simplest structure, subjected to a series dose of electron irradiation with 10 MeV electron beam, including 30, 50, 100, 500, 1 000 kGy. Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) test and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurement were used to obtain defects information among MOS samples pre- and post-irradiation. DLTS results present that a low dose of irradiation causes no evident impact on defect evolution near and at the 4H-SiC/SiO2 interface, whereas a high dose of irradiation makes a defect configuration of carbon interstitial dimer defect evolve into another more stable one at a deeper energy level. C-V curves show that different irradiation doses lead to different negative shift degrees of flat-band voltage. This is considered to be resulted from multiple factors, including oxygen vacancies in the SiO2 layer and defects near and at the 4H-SiC/SiO2 interface. This work might be helpful for the development and optimization of 4H-SiC MOS fabrication with respect to anti-irradiation performance.

Key words: 4H-SiC MOS, electron irradiation, defect evolution, carbon interstitial dimer, deep level transient spectroscopy

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