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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (9): 1550-1559.

• Research Articles • Previous Articles     Next Articles

CsBa2ScB8O16: the First Rare-Earth Borate Simultaneously Containing Zero-Dimensional [B3O6] Units and One-Dimensional B—O Chains

JIAO Sihui, WU Hongping, YU Hongwei   

  1. Institute of Functional Crystal, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
  • Received:2024-05-21 Online:2024-09-15 Published:2024-09-19

Abstract: The first rare-earth borate crystal CsBa2ScB8O16 with both zero-dimensional [B3O6] units and one-dimensional B—O chain structures has been synthesized by the high-temperature solution method. It crystallizes in the triclinic crystal system with the P1 space group, with lattice parameters of a=6.698 5 Å, b=7.216 Å, c=14.798 Å, α=97.563°, β=95.226°, γ=95.546°, Z=2. In this compound, [BO3] and [B4O9] units are connected by sharing oxygen atoms to form a one-dimensional chain [B5O10]. Octahedrally coordinated [Sc(1)O6] groups and the one-dimensional chain [B5O10] are further connected by sharing oxygen atoms to form two-dimensional layer [Sc(1)(B4O9)]. Interlayers are linked by octahedrally coordinated [Sc(2)O6] groups, which share oxygen atoms to form a three-dimensional Sc—B—O framework. Isolated [B3O6] units are filled in the three-dimensional channels with Cs+ and Ba2+ to balance the charges. In order to further explore the novelty of the structure of CsBa2ScB8O16, we compared it with other rare-earth borates containing alkali or alkaline-earth metals, and discuss the effect of the cation-to-boron molar ratio (n(A)/n(B)) on the degree of polymerization of B—O units, as well as the dimensionality of the B—O anion framework. Furthermore, the first-principles calculations, infrared spectrum, UV-vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectrum and the thermal analysis of the compounds have also been performed. Property measurements show that CsBa2ScB8O16 exhibits short UV absorption edge (<190 nm) and moderate birefringence (0.072@1 064 nm). The optical properties of the compound are mainly contributed by the [B3O6], [B5O10] units, and [ScO6] octahedra.

Key words: rare-earth borate, high-temperature solution method, crystal structure, B—O framework, first-principles calculation, birefringence

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