JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (10): 1675-1687.
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AN Kang1, XU Guangyu1, WU Haiping1, ZHANG Yachen1, ZHANG Yongkang1, LI Lijun1, LI Hong1, ZHANG Xufang2, LIU Fengbin1, LI Chengming3
CLC Number:
AN Kang, XU Guangyu, WU Haiping, ZHANG Yachen, ZHANG Yongkang, LI Lijun, LI Hong, ZHANG Xufang, LIU Fengbin, LI Chengming. Research Progress in Chemical Mechanical Polishing of Diamond[J]. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2024, 53(10): 1675-1687.
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