JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2024, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (11): 1829-1839.
Special Issue: 高功率激光用晶体和透明陶瓷
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REN Yongchun1, LI Jianda1, CAO Xiao1, HUANG Yi1, ZHANG Fan1, ZHANG Ning1, XUE Yanyan2, WANG Qingguo1, TANG Huili1, XU Xiaodong3, DONG Yongjun4, XU Jun1
CLC Number:
REN Yongchun, LI Jianda, CAO Xiao, HUANG Yi, ZHANG Fan, ZHANG Ning, XUE Yanyan, WANG Qingguo, TANG Huili, XU Xiaodong, DONG Yongjun, XU Jun. Research Progress on High-Melting-Point Rare Earth Oxides Laser Crystals[J]. Journal of Synthetic Crystals, 2024, 53(11): 1829-1839.
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