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Journal of Synthetic Crystals ›› 2025, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 190-196.DOI: 10.16553/j.cnki.issn1000-985x.2024.0301

• Crystal Growth, Doping and Defects • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Growth and Properties of β-Ga2O3 Single Crystal by Vertical Bridgman Method

HUANG Dongyang1, HUANG Haotian1, PAN Mingyan2, XU Ziqian1, JIA Ning2, QI Hongji1, 2   

  1. 1. Fujia Gallium Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 311421, China;
    2. Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
  • Received:2024-11-29 Published:2025-03-04

Abstract: Using a self-designed vertical Bridgman (VB) furnace, a growth furnace model was established through dynamic simulation and experimental deep coupling iterative optimization method. The optimal temperature field of the growth furnace was obtained by optimizing the temperature field, and the actual temperature field was optimized and modified based on the simulated optimal temperature field. 3-inch (1 inch=2.54 cm) diameter gallium oxide (β-Ga2O3) single crystal was successfully grown in this paper. 2.5 inch (100) plane β-Ga2O3 wafers were successfully fabricated from the as-grown crystal. The crystalline quality and optical properties of β-Ga2O3 crystal were characterized and tested. The test results indicate that, the β-Ga2O3 crystal has high crystalline quality, with cut-off edges of ultraviolet for (100) plane is 257.5 nm, corresponding to an optical bandgap of 4.78 eV. The Laue diffraction spots of the crystal are clear and symmetrical, with a minimum full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the rocking curve at 39.6″.

Key words: β-Ga2O3, vertical Bridgman method, crystal growth, high crystalline quality, wide bandgap semiconductor

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