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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (10): 1892-1899.

所属专题: 辐射探测晶体

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜园园1, 姜维春1, 陈晓2, 雒涛1   

  1. 1.中国科学院高能物理研究所,粒子天体物理重点实验室,北京 100049;
    2.西藏大学物理系,拉萨 850000
  • 收稿日期:2021-08-31 出版日期:2021-10-15 发布日期:2021-11-24
  • 作者简介:杜园园(1983—),女,安徽省人,博士,副研究员。E-mail:duyuanyuan@ihep.ac.cn。杜园园(1983—),女,博士,中国科学院高能物理研究所粒子天体物理中心副研究员。主要研究方向为碲锰镉(CdMnTe)、碲锌镉(CdZnTe)、碳化硅(SiC)和Si-PIN等半导体探测器的制备和应用,地面偏振X射线的测试与标定设备及空间在轨标定源(偏振源和非偏振源)的设计和研制。承担国家自然科学基金委项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金2项;参与国家重大项目硬X射线调制望远镜(HXMT) 卫星项目,担任中能望远镜Si-PIN探测器主管设计师;参与空间科学先导专项增强型X射线时变与偏振探测卫星(eXTP)项目,担任PFA在轨标定源主管设计师;参与中科院前沿科学重点研究项目引力波暴高能电磁对应体全天监测器(GECAM卫星)项目。
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and Characterization of CdMnTe Crystal Nuclear Radiation Detector by Te Solvent Bridgman Method

DU Yuanyuan1, JIANG Weichun1, CHENG Xiao2, LUO Tao1   

  1. 1. Key Laboratory of Particle Astrophysics, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China;
    2. Department of Physics, Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, China
  • Received:2021-08-31 Online:2021-10-15 Published:2021-11-24

摘要: 碲锰镉(CdMnTe)作为性能优异的室温核辐射探测器材料,可用于环境监测和工业无损检测领域。本文中采用Te溶剂Bridgman法生长In掺杂Cd0.9Mn0.1Te晶体,制备成10 mm×10 mm×2 mm大小的室温单平面探测器,研究了该探测器对241Am@59.5 keV γ射线源的能谱响应。通过表征红外透过率、电阻率以及探测器能谱响应等参数,综合评定了探测器用CdMnTe晶体的质量、电学和探测器性能。结果表明,晶片的红外透过率均在55%以上,最好可达到60%。采用湿法钝化,100 V偏压下的漏电流由钝化前的9.48 nA降为钝化后的7.90 nA,钝化后的电阻率为2.832×1010 Ω·cm。在-400 V反向偏压下,CdMnTe探测器对241Am@59.5 keV γ射线源的能量分辨率在钝化前后分别为13.53%和12.51%,钝化后的电子迁移率寿命积为1.049×10-3 cm2/V。研究了探测器的能量分辨率随电压的变化特性,当偏压≤400 V时,探测器的能量分辨率主要由载流子的收集效率决定,而当偏压>400 V时,能量分辨率由漏电流决定。本文研究结果表明,Te溶剂Bridgman法生长的CdMnTe晶体质量较好,电阻率和电子迁移率寿命积满足探测器制备需求。

关键词: 碲锰镉, Te溶剂Bridgman法, 红外透过率, 钝化, 漏电流, 核辐射探测器, 能量分辨率

Abstract: Cadmium manganese telluride (CdMnTe) is an excellent room temperature nuclear radiation detector material, which can be used in environmental monitoring and industrial non-destructive testing. A room temperature planar detector with a size of 10 mm×10 mm×2 mm was fabricated using In doped Cd0.9Mn0.1Te crystal grown by Te solvent Bridgman method. The spectroscopy responses of CdMnTe detectors were investigated by irradiation of γ-ray from 241Am@59.5 keV source. By characterizing parameters of infrared transmittance, resistivity and energy spectrum response, the quality, electricity and detector performance of CdMnTe crystal were comprehensively evaluated. The results show that the infrared transmittance of the wafer are above 55%, up to 60%. The leakage current under 100 V bias voltage reduces from 9.48 nA to 7.90 nA after wet passivation. The resistivity after wet passivation is 2.832×1010 Ω·cm. Under the reverse bias of -400 V, the energy resolution of CdMnTe detector for 241Am@59.5 keV γ-ray source before and after passivation is 13.53% and 12.51%, respectively, and the electron mobility lifetime product after passivation is 1.049×10-3 cm2/V. The variation of energy resolution with voltage was studied. When the bias voltage is no more than 400 V, the energy resolution of the detector is mainly determined by the carrier collection efficiency. While when the bias voltage is more than 400 V, the energy resolution is affected by the leakage current of the detector. The research results show that the CdMnTe crystal grown by the Te solvent Bridgman method has good crystal quality, and the resistivity and electron mobility lifetime product can meet the requirements of detector preparation.

Key words: CdMnTe, Te solvent Bridgman method, infrared transmittance, passivation, leakage current, nuclear radiation detector, energy resolution
