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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (11): 2086-2092.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


闵涛, 马国华, 刘桂君, 郑玉婷   

  1. 西南科技大学分析测试中心,绵阳 621010
  • 出版日期:2021-11-15 发布日期:2021-12-13
  • 通信作者: 马国华,博士,副教授。E-mail:57466772@qq.com
  • 作者简介:闵 涛(1998—),男,江西省人。E-mail:1486929973@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Preparation and Photocatalytic Performance of TiO2/Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4 Composite Material

MIN Tao, MA Guohua, LIU Guijun, ZHENG Yuting   

  1. Analysis and Testing Center, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621010, China
  • Online:2021-11-15 Published:2021-12-13

摘要: 以Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4为载体,氟钛酸铵为原料,采用水热辅助液相沉积法制备了纳米TiO2/ Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4复合材料。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、拉曼光谱分析(RM)、场发射扫描电子显微镜(FE-SEM)、高分辨透射电镜(HTEM)、紫外-可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)等表征手段对样品的物相组成、结构特性及微观形貌做了检测分析,并且探究了不同二氧化钛负载量对纳米TiO2/Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4复合材料光降解亚甲基蓝能力的影响规律。结果表明,实验实现了纳米TiO2与Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4的紧密复合与有效分散,TiO2为锐钛矿型结构,平均粒径20 nm。该复合材料能够有效抑制光生载流子的复合,改善材料的吸附性能,提高材料的光催化效率。当复合材料中TiO2与Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4的摩尔比为3.1∶1时,材料对亚甲基蓝的光催化效率最高,90 min亚甲基蓝的光降解率为99.81%。

关键词: TiO2, Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4, 复合材料, 光催化降解, 有机污染物, 亚甲基蓝

Abstract: Using Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4 as the carrier and ammonium fluorotitanate as the raw material, the nano-TiO2/Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4 composite material was prepared by the hydrothermal-assisted liquid phase deposition method. The phase composition, structural characteristics and microscopic morphology were tested and analyzed through X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy (RM), field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HTEM), ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis) and other characterization methods, and the effect of different loadings of titanium dioxide on the photodegradability of methylene blue of the nano-TiO2/Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4 composite material was explored. The results show that the experiment has realized the close combination and effective dispersion of nano-TiO2 and Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4. The TiO2 has an anatase structure with an average particle size of 20 nm. The composite material can effectively inhibit the recombination of photo-generated carriers, improve the adsorption performance of the material, and increase the photocatalytic efficiency of the material. When the molar ratio of TiO2 to Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4 in the composite material is 3.1∶1, the material has the highest photocatalytic efficiency for methylene blue, and the photodegradation rate of methylene blue in 90 min is 99.81%.

Key words: TiO2, Ni3[Ge2O5](OH)4, composite material, photocatalytic degradation, organic pollutant, methylene blue
