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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (2): 296-301.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


高灿灿1, 姬凯迪1, 马奎1,2,3, 杨发顺1,2,3   

  1. 1.贵州大学电子科学系,贵阳 550025;
    2.贵州省微纳电子与软件技术重点实验室,贵阳 550025;
    3.半导体功率器件可靠性教育部工程研究中心,贵阳 550025
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-14 发布日期:2021-03-24
  • 通信作者: 杨发顺,博士,副教授。E-mail:fashun@126.com
  • 作者简介:高灿灿(1995—),女,江苏省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:403015906@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Effects of Substrate Heating Temperature and Post-Annealing Temperature on the Preparation of β-Ga2O3 Thin Films by Magnetron Sputtering

GAO Cancan1, JI Kaidi1, MA Kui1,2,3, YANG Fashun1,2,3   

  1. 1.Department of Electronics, Guizhou University, Guiyang 550025, China;
    2.Key Laboratory of Micro-Nano-Electronics of Guizhou Province, Guiyang 550025, China;
    3.Semiconductor Power Device Reliability Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education,Guiyang 550025, China
  • Received:2020-12-14 Published:2021-03-24

摘要: 作为宽禁带半导体材料的一员,结构稳定的β-Ga2O3具有比SiC和GaN更宽的禁带宽度和更高的巴利加优值,近年来受到科研人员的广泛关注。本文采用射频(RF)磁控溅射法在C面蓝宝石衬底上生长β-Ga2O3薄膜,探究溅射过程中衬底加热温度的影响。溅射完成后通过高温退火处理提升薄膜质量,研究衬底加热温度和后退火温度对氧化镓薄膜晶体结构和表面形貌的影响。利用X射线衍射(XRD)、原子力显微镜(AFM)等测试手段对β-Ga2O3薄膜晶体结构、表面形貌等进行分析表征。实验结果表明,随着衬底加热温度的升高,β-Ga2O3薄膜表面粗糙度逐渐降低,薄膜晶体质量得到显著提升;在氧气气氛中进行后退火,合适的后退火温度有利于氧化镓薄膜重新结晶、增大晶粒尺寸,能够有效修复薄膜的表面态和点缺陷,对于改善薄膜晶体质量有明显优势。

关键词: β-Ga2O3薄膜, 宽禁带半导体, 磁控溅射, 衬底加热温度, 高温退火, 晶体结构, 表面形貌

Abstract: As a member of wide band gap semiconductor materials, β-Ga2O3 with stable structure has a wider band gap and higher Baligar value than SiC and GaN, which has attracted extensive attention of researchers in recent years. In this paper, β-Ga2O3 thin films were grown on C-plane sapphire substrates by RF magnetron sputtering, and the influence of the substrate heating temperature during the sputtering process was explored. After sputtering, the quality of gallium oxide thin films was improved by high temperature annealing treatment. The effect of substrate heating temperature and post-annealing temperature on the crystal structure and surface morphology of gallium oxide films were studied. The crystal structure and surface morphology of β-Ga2O3 thin films were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and atomic force microscopy(AFM). The experimental results show that with the increase of substrate heating temperature, the surface roughness of β-Ga2O3 film decreases gradually, and the crystal quality of the film is significantly improved. After annealing in oxygen atmosphere, the appropriate post-annealing temperature is conducive to recrystallization of gallium oxide thin film, increase the grain size, effectively repair the surface state and point defects of the thin film, and improve the crystal quality of the film obvious advantages.

Key words: β-Ga2O3 thin film, wide band gap semiconductor, magnetron sputtering, substrate heating temperature, high temperature annealing, crystal structure, surface morphology
