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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (3): 516-522.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


王鑫伟, 车致远, 张兴, 李玲薇, 张伟, 苏适, 马晋文   

  1. 渤海大学物理科学与技术学院,锦州 121000
  • 收稿日期:2020-12-31 出版日期:2021-03-15 发布日期:2021-04-15
  • 通信作者: 马晋文,博士,讲师。E-mail:mjw423@163.com
  • 作者简介:王鑫伟(1996—),女,河北省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:1084201567@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Controllable Preparation and Photoelectrochemical Performance of TiO2 Thin Film with Different Morphology

WANG Xinwei, CHE Zhiyuan, ZHANG Xing, LI Lingwei, ZHANG Wei, SU Shi, MA Jinwen   

  1. College of Physical Science and Technology, Bohai University, Jinzhou 121000, China
  • Received:2020-12-31 Online:2021-03-15 Published:2021-04-15

摘要: 采用水热法在FTO(fluorine-doped tin oxide)基底上制备不同形貌的锐钛矿结构TiO2薄膜。通过不断增大反应前驱物中盐酸浓度,TiO2薄膜由球状颗粒薄膜逐渐演变生长成大面积高能(001)面裸露的TiO2纳米片阵列薄膜。通过对形貌演化规律及X射线衍射图谱变化规律进行分析,提出了不同形貌TiO2薄膜的生长演化机制,并对盐酸在其中的作用进行了说明。为了进一步改善TiO2薄膜的性能,采用连续离子层吸附反应法对不同形貌的TiO2薄膜进行CdS量子点敏化。采用紫外可见吸收光谱分析法和三电极体系对复合薄膜的光吸收性能和光电化学(PEC)性能进行了研究,实验数据显示CdS/TiO2复合薄膜的光电化学性能皆明显优于单纯TiO2薄膜,而且纳米片阵列薄膜的性能明显优于其他形貌薄膜,说明了大面积高能(001)面裸露的TiO2纳米片阵列薄膜的性能优越性。

关键词: TiO2薄膜, (001)晶面, 晶体生长, 水热法, 量子点, 敏化

Abstract: Anatase TiO2 thin films with different morphology were prepared on FTO substrates by hydrothermal method. With the increasing of hydrochloric acid concentration in the precursor, TiO2 thin films gradually evolved from spherical particle films into TiO2 nanosheet array films with a large percentage of high-energy exposed (001) planes. By analyzing the evolution rule of morphology and X-ray diffraction patterns, a reasonable growth and evolution mechanism of TiO2 thin film with different morphology was proposed, and the role of hydrochloric acid was explained. In order to further improve the performance of TiO2 thin films, CdS quantum dots (QDs) sensitization was performed on different TiO2 thin films by the successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method. The optical absorption performance and photoelectrochemical (PEC) properties of composite films were studied by ultraviolet visible absorption spectroscopy and three-electrode electrochemistry system. The optical absorption data and PEC performance data show that the properties of CdS/TiO2 composite films are better than those of pure TiO2 thin films, and the properties of nanosheet array films are obviously better than other morphologies, which illustrates the performance superiority of TiO2 nanosheet array films with large area high-energy (001) planes exposed. The excellent PEC properties also suggest that the QDs sensitized TiO2 nanosheet array films with a large percentage of high-energy surfaces have potential applications in PEC solar cells.

Key words: TiO2 thin film, (001) lattice plane, crystal growth, hydrothermal method, quantum dot, sensitization
