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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (5): 871-876.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


胡斌, 郭亮, 杨淑敏, 曹丽萍   

  1. 喀什大学物理与电气工程学院,喀什 844006
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-09 出版日期:2021-05-15 发布日期:2021-06-15
  • 通信作者: 曹丽萍,博士,教授。E-mail:1903999143@qq.com
  • 作者简介:胡 斌(1994—),男,河南省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:1508041566@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Luminescence Properties and Energy Transfer Mechanism of Pb2+ Doped CaMoO4∶Dy3+,Eu3+ Phosphors

HU Bin, GUO Liang, YANG Shumin, CAO Liping   

  1. School of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Kashgar University, Kashgar 844006, China
  • Received:2021-03-09 Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-06-15

摘要: 采用共沉淀法合成了Pb2+掺杂CaMoO4∶Dy3+,Eu3+荧光粉,通过X射线衍射仪、荧光分光光度计对荧光粉的物相组成、发光特性以及激活离子间能量传递效率进行了表征及分析。结果表明,掺杂Pb2+的CaMoO4∶Dy3+,Eu3+荧光粉样品没有出现新的衍射峰,说明Pb2+很好地代替Ca2+进入到晶格当中,CaMoO4∶0.05Dy3+,0.15Eu3+,0.15Pb2+荧光粉晶胞参数为a=b=0.548 9 nm, c=1.275 3 nm, Z=2,属于四方晶系,在391 nm波长激发下,484 nm处为Dy3+(4F9/26H15/2)的蓝光特征发射峰,575 nm处为Dy3+(4F9/26H13/2)跃迁产生的黄光发射峰,593 nm处为Eu3+(5D07F1)跃迁产生的橙光发射峰,619 nm处为Eu3+(5D07F2)跃迁产生的红光发射峰。通过计算得出CaMoO4∶Dy3+,Eu3+荧光粉中Dy3+和Eu3+之间临界传递距离为1.542 6 nm,能量传递机理是偶极-四极相互作用,能量传递效率接近60.31%,掺杂金属离子Pb2+的荧光粉样品能量传递效率最高提升至72.40%。所以,掺杂Pb2+能够大幅度提升Dy3+与Eu3+之间能量传递效率和改善荧光粉的发光性能,因此其在白光LED领域具有重要研究意义。

关键词: 白光LED, 钼酸盐, 共沉淀法, 稀土发光, 能量传递

Abstract: Pb2+ doped CaMoO4∶Dy3+,Eu3+ phosphors were synthesized by coprecipitation method. The phase composition, luminescence characteristics and energy transfer efficiency between activated ions were characterized and analyzed by X-ray diffractometer and fluorescence spectrophotometer. The results show that the CaMoO4∶Dy3+,Eu3+doped with Pb2+ phosphor samples have no new diffraction peaks compared with the undoped phosphor samples. The above shows that Pb2+ is a good substitute for Ca2+ enters into the crystal lattice. The unit cell parameters are a=b=0.548 9 nm, c=1.275 3 nm, Z=2 belongs to the tetragonal crystal system for CaMoO4∶0.05Dy3+,0.15Eu3+,0.15Pb2+ phosphor. Under the excitation of 391 nm wavelength, it can be seen that 484 nm blue light emission peak attributes to Dy3+(4F9/26H15/2), 575 nm is the yellow light emission peak produced by Dy3+ (4F9/26H13/2) transition, 593 nm is the orange light emission peak produced by Eu3+ (5D07F1) transition, and 619 nm is the red light emission peak produced by Eu3+ (5D07F2) transition. The critical transfer distance between Dy3+ and Eu3+ in CaMoO4∶Dy3+,Eu3+ phosphors can be obtained by calculation, which is 1.542 6 nm. The energy transfer mechanism is dipole-quadrupole interaction, the energy transfer efficiency is close to 60.31%, and the maximum sample energy transfer efficiency increases to 72.40% for Pb2+ doped phosphor. Therefore, it is concluded that doping with Pb2+ can greatly increase the energy transfer efficiency between Dy3+ and Eu3+ and improve the luminous performance of phosphors, so it has important research significance in the field of white LEDs.

Key words: white LED, molybdate, coprecipitation method, rare earth luminescence, energy transfer
