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人工晶体学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (3): 411-418.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


黄江峰, 王涛, 王凤华, 何志兴, 陈哲, 黄音博, 吴文娟   

  1. 成都信息工程大学光电工程学院,成都 610225
  • 收稿日期:2021-12-01 出版日期:2022-03-15 发布日期:2022-04-11
  • 通信作者: 吴文娟,副教授。E-mail:wwj@cuit.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:黄江峰(1999—),男,重庆市人。E-mail:744047104@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Properties of Novel Ternary Relaxor Ferroelectrics Modified by Bismuth Series Compounds

HUANG Jiangfeng, WANG Tao, WANG Fenghua, HE Zhixing, CHEN Zhe, HUANG Yinbo, WU Wenjuan   

  1. College of Optoelectronic Technology, Chengdu University of Information Technology, Chengdu 610225, China
  • Received:2021-12-01 Online:2022-03-15 Published:2022-04-11

摘要: 钛酸钡(BaTiO3)陶瓷作为传统的介质电容器材料,其强铁电性会导致储能密度低下,但通过掺杂可以削弱铁电性来获得弛豫铁电体,提高储能性能。利用铋系化合物可增强弛豫特性,本文设计了BiScO3和(Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3取代改性的BaTiO3基三元陶瓷材料: (0.99-x)Ba(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3-x(Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3-0.01BiScO3(缩写为BZT-xSBT-BS)。采用传统固相法制备的BZT-xSBT-BS陶瓷,相结构没有因为掺杂发生改变,在室温下均为纯的三方相钙钛矿结构。介电和铁电的测试与分析表明,BZT-xSBT-BS陶瓷具有典型的弛豫铁电特性。由于不等价离子Sr2+、Bi3+的掺杂导致界面松弛极化,可以增大BZT-xSBT-BS陶瓷的介电常数,但是受制于其慢的响应速度,陶瓷的介电损耗也显著增加。适量(Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3可以提升BZT-xSBT-BS陶瓷的介电、铁电、应变和储能性能,x=0.015时的BZT-xSBT-BS陶瓷的综合性能较优:εr~10 372,tanδ~0.019,Pmax=16.42 μC/cm2,Ec=1.41 kV/cm,S+max=0.12%(@40 kV/cm),WD=0.181 J/cm3,η=80.4%(@60 kV/cm)。

关键词: BaTiO3基陶瓷, (Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3, 固相法, 弛豫铁电体, 介质电容器, 介电性能, 铁电性能, 储能

Abstract: As a traditional dielectric capacitor material, barium titanate (BaTiO3) ceramics have strong ferroelectric property, which leads to low energy storage density. However, the relaxation ferroelectric can be obtained through doping to weaken the ferroelectric property and improve the energy storage performance. In this paper, BaTiO3-based ceramics modified by BiScO3 and (Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3, a ternary ceramic material (0.99-x)Ba(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3-x(Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3-0.01BiScO3(abbreviated as BZT-xSBT-BS) was designed, owing to the enhanced relaxation properties induced by bismuth series compounds. The phase structure of BZT-xSBT-BS ceramics prepared by traditional solid-state method is not changed due to doping, and they are pure cubic perovskite structure at room temperature. Dielectric and ferroelectric tests and analysis show that BZT-xSBT-BS ceramics have typical relaxor ferroelectric properties. Sr2+ and Bi3+ ions substitutions produce thermionic relaxation polarization, which contributes to the polarization and increases the dielectric constant of BZT-xSBT-BS ceramics, but the dielectric loss will increase due to its slow response speed. An appropriate amount of (Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3 can improve the dielectric, ferroelectric, strain and energy storage properties of BZT-xSBT-BS ceramics. BZT-xSBT-BS ceramics with x=0.015 show excellent properties, εr~10 372, tanδ~0.019, Pmax=16.42 μC/cm2, Ec=1.41 kV/cm, S+max=0.12% (@40 kV/cm), WD=0.181 J/cm3, η=79.4% (@60 kV/cm).

Key words: BaTiO3-based dielectric ceramic, (Sr0.7Bi0.2)TiO3, solid-state method, relaxor ferroelectric, dielectric capacitor, dielectric property, ferroelectric property, energy storage
