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人工晶体学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 52 ›› Issue (4): 671-677.

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王晓莉1, 杨蕾1,2, 侯越云1   

  1. 1.北京玻璃研究院有限公司,北京 101111;
    2.北京一轻研究院有限公司,北京 101111
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-25 出版日期:2023-04-15 发布日期:2023-04-28
  • 作者简介:王晓莉(1990—),女,山西省人,博士。E-mail:wangxiaoli@bgri.com

Research Progress of Rare Earth Halide Scintillation Crystals for Neutron/Gamma Dual Detection

WANG Xiaoli1, YANG Lei1,2, HOU Yueyun1   

  1. 1. Beijing Glass Research Institute Co., Ltd, Beijing 101111, China;
    2. Beijing Industrial Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 101111, China
  • Received:2022-11-25 Online:2023-04-15 Published:2023-04-28

摘要: 近年来,随着对稀土卤化物闪烁晶体研究的不断深入,该类材料的许多优异性能被不断发现,尤其是备受关注的中子/伽马射线双探测性能。化学组成为A2LiRX6:Ce(A、R、X分别代表+1价金属元素、稀土元素、卤族元素)的掺铈锂基钾冰晶石型闪烁晶体和化学组成为LiM2X5:Eu(M、X分别代表+2价金属元素、卤族元素)的掺铕锂基碱土卤化物,因可同时探测中子和伽马射线,且大都具有较高的光输出、较优异的能量分辨率等特性,被认为是非常实用且具有潜力的双探测材料。目前,掺铈锂基钾冰晶石型闪烁晶体中最具代表性的Cs2LiYCl6:Ce(CLYC)已被广泛研究并产品化,而有望替代CLYC等钾冰晶石型晶体的掺铕锂基碱土卤化物研究报道甚少。本文主要对上述两类双模式探测用材料的研究进展进行简要综述,以期对相关领域的研究学者有所启发。

关键词: 稀土卤化物闪烁晶体, 中子/伽马双探测, 闪烁性能, 激活剂

Abstract: In recent years, with the further study of rare earth halide scintillation crystals, many excellent properties of these materials have been discovered, especially the neutron/gamma ray dual detection performance, which has attracted much attention. Ce doped lithium based elpasolite scintillation crystal with chemical composition of A2LiRX6:Ce (A, R, X represent +1 valence metal element, rare earth element, halogen element respectively) and Eu doped lithium based alkaline earth metal halide with chemical composition of LiM2X5:Eu (M, X represent +2 valence metal element, halogen element respectively) are considered to be very practical and potential dual detection materials. They can detect neutrons and gamma rays simultaneously, and most of them have high light output, excellent energy resolution and other characteristics. At present, as the most representative of Ce doped lithium based elpasolite scintillation crystal, Cs2LiYCl6:Ce (CLYC) has been widely studied and produced. However, Eu doped lithium based alkaline earth metal halide, which is expected to replace elpasolite scintillation crystal materials such as CLYC, is rarely reported. In this paper, the research progress of the above two kinds of dual-mode detection materials is briefly reviewed, with a view to enlightening researchers in related fields.

Key words: rare earth halide scintillation crystal, neutron/gamma dual detection, scintillation performance, activator
