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人工晶体学报 ›› 2025, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 358-359.DOI: 10.16553/j.cnki.issn1000-985x.2025.2001

• 研究简报 • 上一篇    下一篇

首量科技:ø210 mm大尺寸Eu3+∶CaF2激光晶体生长

周丽娜, 刘建强, 牛晓伟   

  1. 北京首量科技股份有限公司,北京 101111
  • 收稿日期:2025-01-08 发布日期:2025-03-04
  • 作者简介:周丽娜(1995—),女,河北省人,硕士,助理工程师。E-mail:zhou.lina@scitlion.com

Growth of ø210 mm Large-Size Eu3+∶CaF2 Laser Crystal

ZHOU Lina, LIU Jianqiang, NIU Xiaowei   

  1. Beijing Scitlion Technology Corp., Ltd., Beijing 101111, China
  • Received:2025-01-08 Published:2025-03-04

摘要: 采用一种基于布里奇曼晶体生长方法的晶体自动控制方法,生长了Eu3+掺杂浓度分别为250×10-6、1 000×10-6和2 500×10-6的Eu3+∶CaF2激光晶体,其毛坯尺寸均可达到ø210 mm×80 mm,是目前该领域报道的尺寸最大的Eu3+∶CaF2激光晶体。

关键词: Eu3+∶CaF2, 激光晶体, 稀土掺杂, 坩埚下降法, 自动控制

Abstract: In this paper, large-size Eu3+∶CaF2 laser crystals with Eu3+ doping concentrations of 250×10-6, 1 000×10-6 and 2 500×10-6, respectively, were prepared by an automatic crystal control method based on Bridgman crystal growth method. The blank size of the ingots is ø210 mm×80 mm, which demonstrates it the largest Eu3+∶CaF2 laser crystal reported in this field till now.

Key words: Eu3+∶CaF2, laser crystal, rare earth doping, Bridgman method, automatic control
