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人工晶体学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (11): 2150-2155.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


望军, 赵雨, 范保艳, 张均, 邢安, 刘晓燕   

  1. 重庆科技学院冶金与材料工程学院,重庆 401331
  • 出版日期:2021-11-15 发布日期:2021-12-13
  • 通信作者: 刘晓燕,博士,教授。E-mail:liushoen@163.com
  • 作者简介:望 军(1978—),男,重庆市人,博士研究生。E-mail:wangjunpaper@126.com
  • 基金资助:

CoO Porous Nanosheets Array/Carbon Cloth as Flexible Anode Material for Lithium-Ion Batteries

WANG Jun, ZHAO Yu, FAN Baoyan, ZHANG Jun, XING An, LIU Xiaoyan   

  1. School of Metallurgy and Material Engineering, Chongqing University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China
  • Online:2021-11-15 Published:2021-12-13

摘要: 可穿戴、可折叠电子设备日益受到人们的关注,开发与之配套的柔性电极材料成为当下的研究热点。本研究采用水热法制备前驱体/碳布复合材料,将其在高纯氩气气氛下煅烧,得到柔性的CoO多孔纳米片阵列/碳布负极材料。这种多孔与三维网状立体结构能够有效缓解充放电过程中材料的体积效应,而且多孔结构还增加了活性物质CoO纳米片的比表面积,有利于电极材料储锂容量的提升。电化学性能测试表明,该CoO多孔纳米片阵列/碳布负极材料在100 mA·cm-2的恒电流下, 首次放电容量1 862.8 mAh·cm-2,首次循环库伦效率87.8%,在700 mA·cm-2的电流密度下,经过100次的充放电循环后,材料的放电比容量仍保持在1 428.9 mAh·cm-2。在1 000 mA·cm-2的电流密度下,仍然有1 353.8 mAh·cm2的容量。该方法简便易行且原料成本低廉,可以降低锂离子电池柔性负极材料的成本。

关键词: CoO多孔纳米片, 碳布, 柔性电极材料, 负极材料, 水热法, 电化学性能

Abstract: In recent years, flexible electronics is an emerging and promising technology for next generation of optoelectronic devices. The study of new inexpensive, flexible and lightweight electrode materials has triggered a gold rush. Herein, hierarchical porous CoO nanosheets arrays/carbon cloth composites successfully synthesized were using a hydrothermal reaction followed by calcination. The three-dimensional network structure can accommodate large mechanical strains by providing the gaps to alleviate volume change. The porous structure can improve the specific surface area of the active substance CoO, which is conducive to the improvement of lithium storage capacity of electrode materials. When investigated as flexible anode for lithium-ion batteries, the CoO porous nanosheets array/carbon cloth materials achieve an initial charge capacity of 1 862.8 mAh·cm-2 with coulombic efficiency of 87.8% at constant current of 100 mA·cm-2. The reversible capacity is 1 428.9 mAh·cm-2 after 100 cycles at current density of 700 mA·cm-2. And it is capable to retain a capacity of 1 353.8 mAh·cm-2 even at current density of 1 000 mA·cm-2. The excellent electrochemical performance of the composites could be attributed to the unique morphology, structure of the CoO porous nanosheets, as well as directly grown on current collector. Thus, this work introduces an easy and economic method for fabrication CoO porous nanosheets array/carbon cloth materials for high-performance flexible lithium ion battery.

Key words: CoO porous nanosheet, carbon cloth, flexible electrode material, anode material, hydrothermal method, electrochemical performance
