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人工晶体学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (6): 1085-1091.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


杜康1,2,3, 寇丽芳3, 张小超3   

  1. 1.山西乡宁焦煤集团燕家河煤业有限公司,临汾 042100;
    2.中国矿业大学(北京)研究生院,北京 100083;
    3.太原理工大学化学工程与技术学院,太原 030024
  • 收稿日期:2022-04-11 出版日期:2022-06-15 发布日期:2022-07-18
  • 通信作者: 张小超,博士,副教授。E-mail:zhangxiaochao@tyut.edu.cn
  • 作者简介:杜 康(1988—),男,山西省人,硕士研究生。E-mail:270664512@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

EDTA-Assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of BiYO3 with High-Efficient Photoreduction CO2 Performance

DU Kang1,2,3, KOU Lifang3, ZHANG Xiaochao3   

  1. 1. Shanxi Xiangning Coking Coal Group Yanjiahe Coal Industry Limited Company, Linfen 042100, China;
    2. Graduate School of China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing 100083, China;
    3. College of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024, China
  • Received:2022-04-11 Online:2022-06-15 Published:2022-07-18

摘要: 新型光催化剂的研制是光驱动下CO2转化为高附加值化学品或燃料的核心问题,对实现“碳达峰·碳中和”目标具有重要意义。本文通过乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)辅助水热法合成一系列新型Bi-Y-O光催化剂体系,发现样品的晶体结构随EDTA的添加量不同而发生变化。添加0.4 g EDTA或未添加EDTA时均可得到BiYO3晶体,而添加0.8 g和1.2 g EDTA时分别制得Bi1.46Y0.54O3和Bi3YO6晶体。光催化CO2还原性能测试结果表明,添加0.4 g EDTA制备的BiYO3具有最佳光催化CO2还原活性,其CO产率为18.29 μmol·g-1·h-1,且3次循环使用后CO产率仍达17.32 μmol·g-1·h-1,明显高于其他样品。结合表征结果分析可知:EDTA的引入不仅可调控BiYO3的结构形貌,而且拓宽其光响应范围、提高光生电子-空穴的分离效率,从而增强光催化还原CO2性能,为新型高效B-Y-O光催化体系的研究提供基础科学数据。

关键词: BiYO3, EDTA辅助水热法, 光催化, CO2还原, 作用机理, 碳中和

Abstract: The research development of novel photocatalysts is the core issue of photo-driven CO2 conversion into high value-added chemicals or fuels, which should be of important significance for achieving the goal of “carbon peak and carbon neutralization”. In this paper, a series of novel Bi-Y-O photocatalyst systems were synthesized by EDTA-assisted hydrothermal method, and with the change of EDTA amount, the crystal structures of as-prepared samples are variational. BiYO3 crystal is obtained with 0.4 g EDTA addition or without EDTA, while Bi1.46Y0.54O3 and Bi3YO6 crystals are synthesized with 0.8 g and 1.2 g EDTA addition, respectively. The photocatalytic CO2 reduction tests reveal that as-prepared BiYO3 with 0.4 g EDTA addition exhibits the best CO2 photoreduction activity, and CO yield is 18.29 μmol·g-1·h-1. After three cycle tests, CO yield still reaches 17.32 μmol·g-1·h-1, higher obviously than CO yields of other samples. Finally, the characterization analysis results show that the assistance of EDTA could not only regulate the structure morphology of BiYO3, but also broaden the light response and enhance the separation efficiency of photogenerated electron-hole pairs, and consequently improve the photocatalytic CO2 reduction performance. The research in this paper provides basic scientific data for the investigation on novel highly-effective B-Y-O photocatalytic system.

Key words: BiYO3, EDTA-assisted hydrothermal method, photocatalysis, CO2 reduction, action mechanism, carbon neutralization
