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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 143-147.

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Synthesis and Characterization of Yttrium Modifiedγ-alumina by Combustion Method

YANG Xue-jiao;ZHANG Jin;CUI Xue-jiao;LI Dong-xia;JIA Han-yue;CHU Gang   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate was used as oxidant, the combustion agent glycine was used as reducing agent, yttria nitrate was added as modifiers, the modified nanometer γ-alumina powder was prepared by combustion synthesis. The effects of the process parameters, such as modifier dosage, calcination temperature, calcination time on the final samples were studied. The results show that the optimal process conditions of preparing γ-alumina modified by yttrium with glycine was used as combustion agent, the mole ratio of yttria nitrate, aluminum nitrate nonahydrate is 0. 07∶ 1, the calcinations temperature is 950 ℃, the calcinations time is 4 h. Through X ray diffraction analysis ( XRD ) , Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer ( FTIR Spectrometer ) , scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) and specific surface area analysis of the samples, the samples surface area is larger, with weak acid, as a catalyst carrier can improve the precious metal dispersion and catalyst on the surface of the ability of resistance to carbon deposition.

Key words: Aluminum nitrate nonahydrate was used as oxidant, the combustion agent glycine was used as reducing agent, yttria nitrate was added as modifiers, the modified nanometer γ-alumina powder was prepared by combustion synthesis. The effects of the process parameters, such as modifier dosage, calcination temperature, calcination time on the final samples were studied. The results show that the optimal process conditions of preparing γ-alumina modified by yttrium with glycine was used as combustion agent, the mole ratio of yttria nitrate, aluminum nitrate nonahydrate is 0. 07∶ 1, the calcinations temperature is 950 ℃, the calcinations time is 4 h. Through X ray diffraction analysis ( XRD ) , Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer ( FTIR Spectrometer ) , scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) and specific surface area analysis of the samples, the samples surface area is larger, with weak acid, as a catalyst carrier can improve the precious metal dispersion and catalyst on the surface of the ability of resistance to carbon deposition.

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