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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 38-42.

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Synthesis and Spectral Properties of BaWO4∶Eu3+Phosphors for White Light Emitting Diodes

YU Hai-hui;ZHAO Ming-yue;QU Lian-jun;KONG Li   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The powders WO3!·0. 34H2O were successfully prepared by hydrothermal method,and the red phosphors BaWO4 ∶ Eu3+ were synthesis by high-temperature solid state reaction and hydrothermal method. The results show that the phosphors for both of these two methods have the same excitation and emition spectrum. The excition and emittion spectrum are f → f of Eu3+, with the excitation spectra at 416 nm, 464 nm, 535 nm, and the higher one is 464 nm and the emittion spectra at 578 nm, 592 nm, 612 nm, 703 nm,and the higher one is 612 nm. The result show that the better doped concentration is 20 at;. The typical phosphors can match blue LED to develop the red emittion and to make up the defects of low color rendering index.

Key words: The powders WO3!·0. 34H2O were successfully prepared by hydrothermal method,and the red phosphors BaWO4 ∶ Eu3+ were synthesis by high-temperature solid state reaction and hydrothermal method. The results show that the phosphors for both of these two methods have the same excitation and emition spectrum. The excition and emittion spectrum are f → f of Eu3+, with the excitation spectra at 416 nm, 464 nm, 535 nm, and the higher one is 464 nm and the emittion spectra at 578 nm, 592 nm, 612 nm, 703 nm,and the higher one is 612 nm. The result show that the better doped concentration is 20 at;. The typical phosphors can match blue LED to develop the red emittion and to make up the defects of low color rendering index.

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