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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (1): 55-62.

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Preparation and Visible-light Photocatalytic Properties of One Dimensional Fe2 O3/α-MoO3 Heterostructures

ZHEN Yan-zhong;WANG Jie;WANG Dan-jun;FU Feng;LI Jing;XUE Gang-lin   

  • Online:2017-01-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: One Dimension ( 1D ) heterostructure photocatalyst Fe2 O3/α-MoO3 was fabricated by depositional method, which its composition, morphology and photo-adsorption properties of were characterized by XRD、SEM-EDS、STEM、XPS、UV-Vis-DRS, as so as, the performance of photocatalytic degradation RhB was also explored. The test results show that the Fe2 O3 modification not only broaden the absorption spectrum of α-MoO3 nanobelt to the visible light region, but also increase the photocatalytic activity. The optimum photocatalytic activity of MoO3 at Fe2 O3 weight content of 1; could reach 99;after visible light irradiation 40 minutes, which is almost 3. 8 and 26 times as high as that of the pure MoO3 nanobelts and Fe2 O3 .

Key words: One Dimension ( 1D ) heterostructure photocatalyst Fe2 O3/α-MoO3 was fabricated by depositional method, which its composition, morphology and photo-adsorption properties of were characterized by XRD、SEM-EDS、STEM、XPS、UV-Vis-DRS, as so as, the performance of photocatalytic degradation RhB was also explored. The test results show that the Fe2 O3 modification not only broaden the absorption spectrum of α-MoO3 nanobelt to the visible light region, but also increase the photocatalytic activity. The optimum photocatalytic activity of MoO3 at Fe2 O3 weight content of 1; could reach 99;after visible light irradiation 40 minutes, which is almost 3. 8 and 26 times as high as that of the pure MoO3 nanobelts and Fe2 O3 .

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