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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 1984-1987.

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Self-assembly and Stability of SiO2 Binary Photonic Crystals

WU Yuan-ting;LI Meng-long;YUAN Jun;LU Jian;WU Peng-hong;LIU Chang-qing;WANG Xiu-feng   

  • Online:2017-10-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Different size of SiO2 colloidal spheres were fabricated by the St ?ber method, SiO2 binary photonic crystals were fabricated by multiple vertical deposition method .The micromorphology of binary photonic crystals were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope ( FE-SEM ) .The formation of binary colloidal crystals was studied .The effects of interfacial force and interaction force between colloidal spheres on the preparation of stable structures were studied .The results show that SiO 2 binary photonic crystals have a more orderly and stable structure .The interaction force between colloidal spheres increases with the increase of the particle size .The colloidal spheres with large particle size are more beneficial to the formation of stable structures .

Key words: Different size of SiO2 colloidal spheres were fabricated by the St ?ber method, SiO2 binary photonic crystals were fabricated by multiple vertical deposition method .The micromorphology of binary photonic crystals were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscope ( FE-SEM ) .The formation of binary colloidal crystals was studied .The effects of interfacial force and interaction force between colloidal spheres on the preparation of stable structures were studied .The results show that SiO 2 binary photonic crystals have a more orderly and stable structure .The interaction force between colloidal spheres increases with the increase of the particle size .The colloidal spheres with large particle size are more beneficial to the formation of stable structures .

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