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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 2014-2019.

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Hydrothermal Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of Li+, Bi3 +Doped LaVO4:Eu3+Nano-phosphor

TAO Ping-fang;ZHENG Yao-liang;FENG Yu-qin;WANG Rong-fang;QIN Li-qin   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: LaVO4:Eu3+nano-phosphor doped with metal ions ( Mn+=Li+, Bi3 +) were synthesized by hydrothermal method using lanthanum nitrate , europium oxide , lithium nitrate , bismuth nitrate and ammonium metavanadate as raw materials .The as-prepared samples were characterized by XRD , SEM, FTIR, and FL.The effects of the different doping concentration of metal ions ( Mn+ =Li+, Bi3+), reaction temperature and reaction time on the fluorescence of the LaVO 4 :Eu3+ phosphor were investigated.The optimum conditions for the synthesis of Li +and Bi3 +doped LaVO4:Eu3+phosphors were discussed .It is found that the synthesized product is zircon structure of tetragonal phase ( t-) LaVO4 .The luminescence intensity of LaVO 4:Eu3+is improved by codoping of Mn +.It was observed that the LaVO4:5;Eu3+, 4;Li+, LaVO4:5;Eu3 +, 2;Bi3+ nano-phosphor synthesized under hydrothermal condition at 180 ℃for 24 h exhibited the strangest luminescence intensity .

Key words: LaVO4:Eu3+nano-phosphor doped with metal ions ( Mn+=Li+, Bi3 +) were synthesized by hydrothermal method using lanthanum nitrate , europium oxide , lithium nitrate , bismuth nitrate and ammonium metavanadate as raw materials .The as-prepared samples were characterized by XRD , SEM, FTIR, and FL.The effects of the different doping concentration of metal ions ( Mn+ =Li+, Bi3+), reaction temperature and reaction time on the fluorescence of the LaVO 4 :Eu3+ phosphor were investigated.The optimum conditions for the synthesis of Li +and Bi3 +doped LaVO4:Eu3+phosphors were discussed .It is found that the synthesized product is zircon structure of tetragonal phase ( t-) LaVO4 .The luminescence intensity of LaVO 4:Eu3+is improved by codoping of Mn +.It was observed that the LaVO4:5;Eu3+, 4;Li+, LaVO4:5;Eu3 +, 2;Bi3+ nano-phosphor synthesized under hydrothermal condition at 180 ℃for 24 h exhibited the strangest luminescence intensity .

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