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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (10): 2073-2076.

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Influence of Annealing on the Properties of Silicon Carbide at High Temperature and High Pressure Condition

ZHENG You-jin;WANG Li-juan;WANG Fang-biao;ZUO Gui-hong;HUANG Hai-liang   

  • Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The silicon carbide synthesized by CVD method was as raw materials under high temperature and high pressure conditions , which was to explore the influence of annealing temperature on the properties of silicon carbide .The result show that the color of the silicon carbide change from pale green to colorless with the increase of annealing temperature , meanwhile , the density and the compressive strength of silicon carbide increase greatly .By Raman spectroscopy detection , the structure of anneal silicon carbide has not change , and the intensity of Raman peak of 15R-SiC at 798.6 cm-1 decrease, at the same tame , the intensity of Raman peak of 4 H-SiC at 970 cm-1 increase .

Key words: The silicon carbide synthesized by CVD method was as raw materials under high temperature and high pressure conditions , which was to explore the influence of annealing temperature on the properties of silicon carbide .The result show that the color of the silicon carbide change from pale green to colorless with the increase of annealing temperature , meanwhile , the density and the compressive strength of silicon carbide increase greatly .By Raman spectroscopy detection , the structure of anneal silicon carbide has not change , and the intensity of Raman peak of 15R-SiC at 798.6 cm-1 decrease, at the same tame , the intensity of Raman peak of 4 H-SiC at 970 cm-1 increase .

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