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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (12): 2326-2331.

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Preparation and Characterization of Dye-sensitized Solar Cells by Liquid Phase Deposition Method at Low Temperature

GUO Su-wen;SUN Yi-ran;QI Jia-bin;ZHENG Yan;ZHANG Qing-hong   

  • Online:2017-12-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: In order to explore the new method for preparing the TiO 2 thin film, this experiment use liquid phase deposition method to fabricate thin film on the condition of constant temperature and variable temperature .The FTO conductive glass and flexible PET-ITO were selected to be compared .XRD results show that the products are anatase phase titanium dioxide , the conditionof 80 ℃ in favour of better crystallinity .SEM results show the porous structure of TiO 2 film layer .Theefficiency prepared on the condition of variable temperature is the highest , and the sample prepared in 60 ℃ has higher efficiency than it prepared in 80℃.The efficiency of cells prepared at gradient temperature based on FTO reached 5.71;, and on the same conditions the efficiency of cells based on PET-ITO is 4.07;.

Key words: In order to explore the new method for preparing the TiO 2 thin film, this experiment use liquid phase deposition method to fabricate thin film on the condition of constant temperature and variable temperature .The FTO conductive glass and flexible PET-ITO were selected to be compared .XRD results show that the products are anatase phase titanium dioxide , the conditionof 80 ℃ in favour of better crystallinity .SEM results show the porous structure of TiO 2 film layer .Theefficiency prepared on the condition of variable temperature is the highest , and the sample prepared in 60 ℃ has higher efficiency than it prepared in 80℃.The efficiency of cells prepared at gradient temperature based on FTO reached 5.71;, and on the same conditions the efficiency of cells based on PET-ITO is 4.07;.

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