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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (2): 197-203.

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Analysis and Verification of Reaction Model for Silane Pyrolysis Polycrystalline Silicon CVD

FAN You-wen;CHEN Cai-xia   

  • Online:2017-02-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Based on a critical review of reaction kinetics of silane decomposition reported in literature,a simplified gas and surface reaction mechanisms are used for analyzing a horizontal single-substrate reactor with the 2-D boundary-layer reaction model of CHEMKIN software.The predicted growth rates of silicon agree well with the literature data.The effects of operation conditions on growth rate,such as the silane concentrations and the gas temperatures,were examined and the cluster savenging mechanisms were evaluated numerically.Neglecting the flow characteristics,the Ho mechanisms were used in the simulation under conditions of the mimic fluidized bed silane CVD reactor.The predicted growth rate is comparable with experimental data,indicating the above mechanisms can be further applied in CFD simulation of silane fluidized bed CVD reactors.

Key words: Based on a critical review of reaction kinetics of silane decomposition reported in literature,a simplified gas and surface reaction mechanisms are used for analyzing a horizontal single-substrate reactor with the 2-D boundary-layer reaction model of CHEMKIN software.The predicted growth rates of silicon agree well with the literature data.The effects of operation conditions on growth rate,such as the silane concentrations and the gas temperatures,were examined and the cluster savenging mechanisms were evaluated numerically.Neglecting the flow characteristics,the Ho mechanisms were used in the simulation under conditions of the mimic fluidized bed silane CVD reactor.The predicted growth rate is comparable with experimental data,indicating the above mechanisms can be further applied in CFD simulation of silane fluidized bed CVD reactors.

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