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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 578-583.

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Effect of Deposition Time on the Zn(O,S) Thin Film Properties and Cu2ZnSnSe4 Thin Film Solar Cells

LIU Xiao-ru;LI Jian-jun;LIU Wei;LIU Fang-fang;AO Jian-ping;SUN Yun;ZHOU Zhi-qiang;ZHANG Yi   

  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Cd-free Zn(O,S) thin film attracts increasing attention as a buffer layer because of adjustable and wide band gap, environmental friendly and other advantages.The thin film were prepared by chemical bath deposition.The influence of the deposition time on the component, structure, optical and morphological properties of Zn(O,S) thin films were studied.The deposition time varies between 20 min and 35 min.The XRD patterns of Zn(O,S) thin film show that Zn(O,S) layer is amorphous.The optical measurements show that the films have high optical transmission (>80;).The scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) shows that uniform and continuous thin layers with small rounded cristallite for the films deposited for 30 min.Applied it to CZTSe thin film solar cells, the better 5.37;-efficient device is obtained by using deposition time 30 min.

Key words: Cd-free Zn(O,S) thin film attracts increasing attention as a buffer layer because of adjustable and wide band gap, environmental friendly and other advantages.The thin film were prepared by chemical bath deposition.The influence of the deposition time on the component, structure, optical and morphological properties of Zn(O,S) thin films were studied.The deposition time varies between 20 min and 35 min.The XRD patterns of Zn(O,S) thin film show that Zn(O,S) layer is amorphous.The optical measurements show that the films have high optical transmission (>80;).The scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) shows that uniform and continuous thin layers with small rounded cristallite for the films deposited for 30 min.Applied it to CZTSe thin film solar cells, the better 5.37;-efficient device is obtained by using deposition time 30 min.

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