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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 646-650.

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Thermal Conductivity of Graphene/ZrO2 Composite Ceramic Materials

WANG Ming-hui;FANG Hai-liang;LIU Xia;GU Shi-jia   

  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic materials were prepared using 3Y-ZrO2 powders and graphite (Graphene) as raw materials by spark plasma sintering (SPS).The effects of sintering temperature and the content of graphene on the microstructure, phase and thermal conductivity of Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramics were characterized by SEM, HRTEM, XRD and laser thermal conductivity instrument.The results show that the introduction of graphene can not only restrain the growth of ZrO2 grains, but also has a significant effect on the thermal conductivity.Compared with single-phase ZrO2 ceramics, the thermal diffusivity of Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic material decreased with the introduction of graphene, which could be attributed to three aspects: Firstly, the content of graphene is relatively low (0.5-1.5wt;).Secondly, strong phonon scattering between grain boundary caused the reduction of thermal conductivity, finally the Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic materials are not fully dense.

Key words: Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic materials were prepared using 3Y-ZrO2 powders and graphite (Graphene) as raw materials by spark plasma sintering (SPS).The effects of sintering temperature and the content of graphene on the microstructure, phase and thermal conductivity of Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramics were characterized by SEM, HRTEM, XRD and laser thermal conductivity instrument.The results show that the introduction of graphene can not only restrain the growth of ZrO2 grains, but also has a significant effect on the thermal conductivity.Compared with single-phase ZrO2 ceramics, the thermal diffusivity of Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic material decreased with the introduction of graphene, which could be attributed to three aspects: Firstly, the content of graphene is relatively low (0.5-1.5wt;).Secondly, strong phonon scattering between grain boundary caused the reduction of thermal conductivity, finally the Graphene/ZrO2 composite ceramic materials are not fully dense.

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