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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 705-711.

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Preparation Method and Application of Gypsum Whisker

LIN Yan;PENG Tong-jiang;SUN Hong-juan;WANG Bao-chuan   

  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Gypsum whisker is a environmental-friendly material with high mechanical property and high cost performance, which can be used in the fields of composite materials, paper making, catalysis and biodegradable materials.Preparation of gypsum whisker was mostly staying in the discussion of process parameters and discussion on the relationship between the characteristics and application fields of gypsum whisker remain insufficient.In this paper, structure of gypsum was analyzed, and classification and review of existing preparation methods of gypsum were made from the forming process of the product.Then statistics of characteristics of different method and application area were made and the correlation between preparation and application was analyzed.The future research direction of gypsum whisker is proposed at last.

Key words: Gypsum whisker is a environmental-friendly material with high mechanical property and high cost performance, which can be used in the fields of composite materials, paper making, catalysis and biodegradable materials.Preparation of gypsum whisker was mostly staying in the discussion of process parameters and discussion on the relationship between the characteristics and application fields of gypsum whisker remain insufficient.In this paper, structure of gypsum was analyzed, and classification and review of existing preparation methods of gypsum were made from the forming process of the product.Then statistics of characteristics of different method and application area were made and the correlation between preparation and application was analyzed.The future research direction of gypsum whisker is proposed at last.

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