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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (4): 717-721.

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Effect of Temperature on the Properties and Structure of Vitrified/Fe-based Bond

LI Guang-feng;HOU Yong-gai;GAO Yuan;LI Wen-feng;HUANG Qing-fei;DING Zhi-jing   

  • Online:2017-04-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Low temperature vitrified/Fe-based bond was prepared by powder metallurgy method.The effect of sintering temperature on the properties and structure of low temperature vitrified/Fe-based bond were investigated by means of three-point bending test, SEM and XRD.The results show that when the sintering temperature was 740 ℃, the mechanical property of vitrified/Fe-based bond reach its maximum value 206 MPa and 6.4 kJ/m2, respectively.The temperature rise promotes the interaction of the elements of the interface between the low temperature ceramic and the iron base bond, and the iron base metal bond and the low temperature vitrified achieves the best mechanical fitting.

Key words: Low temperature vitrified/Fe-based bond was prepared by powder metallurgy method.The effect of sintering temperature on the properties and structure of low temperature vitrified/Fe-based bond were investigated by means of three-point bending test, SEM and XRD.The results show that when the sintering temperature was 740 ℃, the mechanical property of vitrified/Fe-based bond reach its maximum value 206 MPa and 6.4 kJ/m2, respectively.The temperature rise promotes the interaction of the elements of the interface between the low temperature ceramic and the iron base bond, and the iron base metal bond and the low temperature vitrified achieves the best mechanical fitting.

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