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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 753-758.

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Fabrication of CuSCN Hole Transporting Layer and Its Influences on Perovskite Solar Cells

ZHAO Shan-zhen;DING Yi;GUO Sheng;SHI Biao;YAO Xin;HOU Fu-hua;ZHENG Cui-cui;ZHANG De-kun;WEI Chang-chun;WANG Guang-cai;ZHAO Ying;ZHANG Xiao-dan   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Planar n-i-p type perovskite solar cells were fabricated by using solution processed CuSCN as the hole transporting layer.The influences of CuSCN fabrication conditions such as annealing temperature, spin coating speed on solar cell performances were carefully investigated.The results show that, solar cells exhibits better performance by using CuSCN films annealed at 70 ℃ for 10 min.Furthermore, by controlling the spin coating speed at 2000 r/min, and fixing the CuSCN film thickness around 240 nm, solar cell performance has been improved substantially to 11.77;.Current work indicates that CuSCN has potential to be a cheap and high performance inorganic hole transporting material.

Key words: Planar n-i-p type perovskite solar cells were fabricated by using solution processed CuSCN as the hole transporting layer.The influences of CuSCN fabrication conditions such as annealing temperature, spin coating speed on solar cell performances were carefully investigated.The results show that, solar cells exhibits better performance by using CuSCN films annealed at 70 ℃ for 10 min.Furthermore, by controlling the spin coating speed at 2000 r/min, and fixing the CuSCN film thickness around 240 nm, solar cell performance has been improved substantially to 11.77;.Current work indicates that CuSCN has potential to be a cheap and high performance inorganic hole transporting material.

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