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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 825-831.

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Preparation of Alumina Ceramic Membrane Support at Low Sintering Temperature

CHEN Shi-jun;YU Yang;LIN Xiao-liang;HU Peng-fei   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: The α-Al2O3 with 10.16 μm average particle size was used to prepare ceramic support by using slurry casting method.According to orthogonal experiments, the effects of pore forming materials, binders, sintering aids(sodium silicate+TiO2+CaCO3+MgO) and heat preservation time on the properties of supports had been investigated.On the basis of orthogonal experiment, with sintering temperature changing, the ceramic membrane supports with good performance was obtained at low temperature.The orthogonal experiment show that the best combination of factors is confirmed as follows: sodium silicate 4;, pore forming materials 6;, binders 0.6; and the heat preservation 2 h.Between 1400~1450 ℃ low temperature rage, the supports which showed better performance than those with other condition are prepared, and suitable for use as ceramic membrane supports.

Key words: The α-Al2O3 with 10.16 μm average particle size was used to prepare ceramic support by using slurry casting method.According to orthogonal experiments, the effects of pore forming materials, binders, sintering aids(sodium silicate+TiO2+CaCO3+MgO) and heat preservation time on the properties of supports had been investigated.On the basis of orthogonal experiment, with sintering temperature changing, the ceramic membrane supports with good performance was obtained at low temperature.The orthogonal experiment show that the best combination of factors is confirmed as follows: sodium silicate 4;, pore forming materials 6;, binders 0.6; and the heat preservation 2 h.Between 1400~1450 ℃ low temperature rage, the supports which showed better performance than those with other condition are prepared, and suitable for use as ceramic membrane supports.

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