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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 832-836.

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Effect of Ca-Feldspar on the Structure and Performance of the Prepared Corundum-Mullite Ceramic Proppant

MA Hai-qiang;TIAN Yu-ming;LI Guo-min;WANG Kai-yue;ZHOU Yi;BAI Pin-bo   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Ceramic proppant was prepared by the main raw material of 2nd grade bauxite and the additive of feldspar at 1350 ℃.The phase composition and microstructure of the proppant were characterized by XRD and SEM respectively.The results show that the phase composition of ceramic proppant is composed of corundum and mullite.As the content of feldspar increases, it is beneficial to boost the nucleation of mullite phase and restrain the growth of mullite.The prepared proppant displays the lowest breakage ratio of 3.2; under 52 MPa closed pressure, the bulk density of 1.72 g/cm3 and the acid solubility of 5.0; when adding 8wt; feldspar, which can meet the requirement in the field of oil and gas exploitation.

Key words: Ceramic proppant was prepared by the main raw material of 2nd grade bauxite and the additive of feldspar at 1350 ℃.The phase composition and microstructure of the proppant were characterized by XRD and SEM respectively.The results show that the phase composition of ceramic proppant is composed of corundum and mullite.As the content of feldspar increases, it is beneficial to boost the nucleation of mullite phase and restrain the growth of mullite.The prepared proppant displays the lowest breakage ratio of 3.2; under 52 MPa closed pressure, the bulk density of 1.72 g/cm3 and the acid solubility of 5.0; when adding 8wt; feldspar, which can meet the requirement in the field of oil and gas exploitation.

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