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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 837-844.

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Density Functional Theory Study on Electronic and Optical Properties of MgH2

AN Xin-you;YANG Hui;REN Wei-yi;HE Zi-qi;CHEN Tai-hong;ZENG Ti-xian   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Based on the density functional theory, electronic and optical properties of rutile-MgH2 have been investigated using the plane-wave pseudopotential and BFGS approaches.At ground state, rutile-MgH2 crystal has good elasticity stability.The calculated equilibrium structural parameters are in excellent agreement with the experimental and other theoretical results.Mulliken population analysis of rutile-MgH2 indicates that the charge transfers are from Mg to H.The total charge is mainly derived from the Mg2p and H 1s states, and rutile-MgH2 is mixture bonding material (covalent+ionic bond).Combing with the electronic properties and frequency-dependent dielectric function ε(ω), the dielectric function, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and loss function of rutile-MgH2 were calculated and investigated in detail.Results indicate that the main absorption ranges of rutile-MgH2 are located in ultraviolet region, rutile-MgH2 has a very strong permeability between 24.88 and 42.35 eV, and in high frequency case, it has a very high reflectivity.

Key words: Based on the density functional theory, electronic and optical properties of rutile-MgH2 have been investigated using the plane-wave pseudopotential and BFGS approaches.At ground state, rutile-MgH2 crystal has good elasticity stability.The calculated equilibrium structural parameters are in excellent agreement with the experimental and other theoretical results.Mulliken population analysis of rutile-MgH2 indicates that the charge transfers are from Mg to H.The total charge is mainly derived from the Mg2p and H 1s states, and rutile-MgH2 is mixture bonding material (covalent+ionic bond).Combing with the electronic properties and frequency-dependent dielectric function ε(ω), the dielectric function, absorption coefficient, refractive index, extinction coefficient, reflectivity and loss function of rutile-MgH2 were calculated and investigated in detail.Results indicate that the main absorption ranges of rutile-MgH2 are located in ultraviolet region, rutile-MgH2 has a very strong permeability between 24.88 and 42.35 eV, and in high frequency case, it has a very high reflectivity.

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