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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 874-879.

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Mechanism Analysis of Silica Dioxide Agglomeration in the Process of Chlorosilane Residue Hydrolysis

HUANG Bing;DONG Sen-lin;CHEN Liang;YANG Jie;ZHAO Yi;XU Bu-gang;CAI Ji-xiang   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: Chlorosilane residue is the by-product in the process of polysilicon production, which is highly productive and high corrosive.In the paper, chlorosilane residue was used as raw material to product silica dioxide via hydrolysis.Additionally, the mechanism of silica dioxide agglomeration and the effects of different methods of hydrolysis and surface active agent on the process of chlorosilane residue hydrolysis were investigated.The results show that the silicon dioxide is generated via gas-liquid reaction of hydrolysis and the product show granular particle characteristics,after adding the surface active agent, the silica dioxide presented good dispersion, in a uniform particle size of 2 μm, moreover, the steric effect of surface active agents has timeliness.

Key words: Chlorosilane residue is the by-product in the process of polysilicon production, which is highly productive and high corrosive.In the paper, chlorosilane residue was used as raw material to product silica dioxide via hydrolysis.Additionally, the mechanism of silica dioxide agglomeration and the effects of different methods of hydrolysis and surface active agent on the process of chlorosilane residue hydrolysis were investigated.The results show that the silicon dioxide is generated via gas-liquid reaction of hydrolysis and the product show granular particle characteristics,after adding the surface active agent, the silica dioxide presented good dispersion, in a uniform particle size of 2 μm, moreover, the steric effect of surface active agents has timeliness.

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