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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 885-889.

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Preparation and Photoluminescence Property of SiO2 Nanowire/nanoparticle Composite Structure

YANG Xi-bao;LIU Qiu-ying;ZHAO Jing-long;LYU Hang;WANG Qiu-shi;LU Xiao-dong;YAO Zhen;LYU Jun-chao   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: SiO2 nanowire/nanoparticle composite structure was prepared by the thermal evaporation mothed.Process Conditions in the preparation of SiO2 nanowire, nanoparticle, and SiO2 nanowire/nanoparticle composite structure were determined.The products were characterized by XRD, SEM, Raman, and PL spectroscopy.The results show that the morphologies and strucutres of the product are controlled by adjusting the growth regions;different from the Si substrate, the luminous area of the SiO2 nanowire/nanoparticle composite structure is mainly concentrated in the yellow-green light range.

Key words: SiO2 nanowire/nanoparticle composite structure was prepared by the thermal evaporation mothed.Process Conditions in the preparation of SiO2 nanowire, nanoparticle, and SiO2 nanowire/nanoparticle composite structure were determined.The products were characterized by XRD, SEM, Raman, and PL spectroscopy.The results show that the morphologies and strucutres of the product are controlled by adjusting the growth regions;different from the Si substrate, the luminous area of the SiO2 nanowire/nanoparticle composite structure is mainly concentrated in the yellow-green light range.

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