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JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALS ›› 2017, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 915-920.

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Synthesis of Nano AlN Powder by Soft Urea Pathway

HUANG Xiong;CHENG Yan-ling;Huatay Lin   

  • Online:2017-05-15 Published:2021-01-20

Abstract: High pure nano-sized AlN powder was synthesized by a soft urea way with AlCl3·6H2O as an aluminums source, methanol as a solvent, urea as a solid N source.The structure of the AlN precursor salt was analyzed by FT-IR, the as-obtained powders were characterized by XRD and SEM.The effect of the urea/metal molar ratio R and the calcination temperatures on the crystal structure and morphology of AlN powders was studied significantly.The results show that pure AlN phase is obtained as the urea/metal molar ratio (R) is more than 6, and compound of AlN and Al2O3 are obtained when the R is less than 6;The mor-phology of AlN is also affected by the R value, the size of AlN powder and agglomeration particles decrease with the increase of R value.

Key words: High pure nano-sized AlN powder was synthesized by a soft urea way with AlCl3·6H2O as an aluminums source, methanol as a solvent, urea as a solid N source.The structure of the AlN precursor salt was analyzed by FT-IR, the as-obtained powders were characterized by XRD and SEM.The effect of the urea/metal molar ratio R and the calcination temperatures on the crystal structure and morphology of AlN powders was studied significantly.The results show that pure AlN phase is obtained as the urea/metal molar ratio (R) is more than 6, and compound of AlN and Al2O3 are obtained when the R is less than 6;The mor-phology of AlN is also affected by the R value, the size of AlN powder and agglomeration particles decrease with the increase of R value.

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